The Last Remnant Pc Save Game Editor Rating: 9,6/10 1972 reviews

How many people have this class? If you do, is it any good? I want this class, and would like to know more about it before i start so i am not wasting my time.

Savegame viewing in a Hex Editor. Your savegame files should be in Documents My Games the last remnant RushGame Save. The Last Remnant Wiki is a FANDOM Games. Then run the RemnantTrainer.exe followed by The last remnant game load up whatever save file you're using, minimize, then hit the buttons in order: 'access TLR, Refesh Model, Refresh Class' and you're in business! All changes you make in the trainer will happen in game, try not to go too crazy with changes however.

Bsnetblocker apk download. 08:46, 30 April 2009 (UTC) This is really strange class for pre-requisites to change to it. I am trying to figure out the exact requirements to be met, but I can only manage to go straight to Legendary Ordainer, not any of the lower ranks. The only conclusion I can say with complete certainty is the requirements we think are required are not. For starters:. Rush will only change to Ordainer class if he has an Axe in his main hand, this is far from the Katana requirement previously thought to be right. If I learn all Combat Arts with all wield styles and all weapon XP counters @ 5000XP limit Rush will change to Legendary rank. Otherwise he won't change class, but I think this has something to do with pure luck.

I don't think all weapon XP maxed is a requirement, rather it just satisfies the requirements by chance as the actual requirements lie within the scope of all Combat Arts, but not exactly all. All Wield Styles seems to play some role in changing, but maybe not all weapons all wields. Axe Specific combat arts are most likely the primary requirements to change to this class, and to get all those requires all wield styles. Rush wouldn't change for me without 4000XP in all wield style counters (2H, 1H, PG, DW). I brute forced all combat arts to max XP because any less would prevent class change, though I haven't figured out which ones were preventing the chance exactly, just sheer luck in this case. I need to dwell on this class more and figure out how to change to base Ordainer rank, and step through each rank of the class one by one. Only then will the requirements be something I can reproduce without having to resort to MAxing out XP counters.

This class shouldn't be nearly as impossible as it seems to change to, as Ninja or Warlock are nowhere near as difficult to obtain in a play through, so this should be no different albeit the approach. 05:50, 15 July 2009 (UTC) Requirements, as taken straight from the class record: All weapon types skill level 19 for Ordainer, 20 for Expert, 21 for Adept, 22 for Master, 23 for Lordly, and 25 for Legendary. None of the other nonsense matters one bit, although i didn't check Item/Mystic relation. I don't think it matters though. 07:18, 15 July 2009 (UTC) Ok sure I see the values, but what do those skill levels mean exactly and what are they extrapolated from?

07:23, 15 July 2009 (UTC) I'll make a xp - skill level table sometime. 07:30, 15 July 2009 (UTC) I've used Axe through my whole game (mostly power grip). I've maxed out all the power grip arts, and my Rush is Scout. I only have one of the two axe arts for one handed though. 11:56, 15 July 2009 (UTC) Forget what I wrote Drake is right here, I shouldn't look too deep into things on very little sleep as the end result is missing important details. It requires all 6 types of weapons. Skill Level 19 for Ordainer base is approximately 2600-2650XP for each Weapon type.

It's quite a lot in other words. Everytime you use a combat art and successfully hit the target you get 4XP in normal conditions, 6XP from 200-399 chains, 8XP from 400+. So it's basically a class that requires at least a week or two of solid grinding in Mystic Seal to change into.

It took me 20 ranks just to get my Skill Levels to 9 - 10 for all 6 weapons, which is nearly half way. I am upto 690 chains in Fornstrand and out of Items for recovery, and I'm going to change myself to Legendary Ordainer the ethically incorrect way because I'll go crazy if I keep this up. The one key lesson I've learnt from this class is that you have to start working at it from the beginning of the game when you have 12 or less party members, and they all have crappy weapons.

Otherwise you end up in my predicament, where a S/SS rank combat art use in Mystic Seal does easy 10+K HP damage at full morale. I've even had some do 20-30K HP hits, you'd think with 0 atk it'd be impossible, but apparently that 20-30K in Mystic Seal does 100-120K in a normal formation with 200-220ATK. 14:12, 15 July 2009 (UTC). Contents Item/Mystic Art Skill Level Equivalence Requirement Well after all the stress Drake suffered from me. I guess I owe him something for it.

So here's my penance. Ordainer Class requires skill levels for Item Arts = Mystic Arts to change class. Just to be certain this time, I first set all 6 Weapon XP to 3700 which gave me the equivalent of Skill Level 25 on each after I triggered the update by using combat arts with each Weapon. Ok so now I am at the situation where all Skill Levels for weapons are 25 so I've met the primary requirements for Ordainer but no change even after 2 or 3 battles at this point.

So I thought about what the problem could be, and I remember you saying you never bothered testing the skill levels of Item & Mystic arts for this class. Well Rush being a Legendary Commander you can imagine how one-sided my skill levels were:D This is how they looked:.

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Mystic: Inv - 4, Evo - 4, Hex - 6, Rem - 21, Psi - 18, Ward - 25. Item: Herb - 9, Potion - 1, Lotions - 13, Expl - 1, Shards - 7, Traps - 1 Without a doubt they are mystic sided heavily. So I made a few small changes to Item Art skill levels before the next battle ( Herb = 19, Potion = 11, Explosives = 11, Shards = 9, Traps = 12 ) as these values would have at least balanced out the mystic art skill levels at the bare minimum and since I don't quite know how the code evaluates the skill levels for either type whether it be Median skill level, or some fancy approach. None the less what would you know, Rush has changed to Legendary Ordainer at the end of the battle;) So there is definitely a loop there that evaluates Mystic & Item Art usage before a class change occurs, I probably went a bit overboard on the Item Art skill levels but at least we now have the final piece of the class change puzzle. Whether it is Item & Mystic equivalent skill levels or Item skill levels collectively higher than Mystic, it narrows it down to 2 possible scenarios, for Equivalent Skill Levels if Item Arts are too high it is a simple matter of spamming Mystic Arts enough until class change happens. This is much easier to do than the alternative of spamming Item Arts to play catch up. In the other scenario Item Arts greater than Mystic well after going through all this rigmarole to change to Ordainer class I would have anybody ask themselves this, why the hell would you bother spending valuable battle turns on learning Mystic Arts when the Weapon Specific Skill Level requirements for this class to be reached will take no less than a good 60 - 70 battle ranks and at least 2-300 hours of repetitive grinding to clock up the necessary combat art usage, mystic art usage is the least of your problems I think.

The Last Remnant Pc Save Game Editor

From my rough calculations if you never break 200 battle chains in your game, it should take roughly:. 900 successful combat art uses with each weapon to reach the Skill Level for Legendary Ordainer, that is 4XP. 900 = 3600XP which translates to Skill Level 24.

3700XP gives me Skill Level 25. Assume 900 successful hits, no misses or KO before use, that means 5400 successful combat art uses MINIMUM, but more likely will be nearer 6000 by the time you account for misses and other non-success states. The ultimate way to fail an attempt for this class is by using weapons with decent stats or worse high stats. Best thing you can do is buy all 6 types of weapons from the Athlum weapon shop at the beginning of the game, and use these 6 weapons for all your Combat Art usage.

Their stats suck and even when using Mystic Seal formation (which you will have to use if you would prefer not to see your battle rank at 150+ just to change to this class) your SS rank combat arts at Peerless or Swift will do pathetic damage, probably equivalent to the damage of a Peerless Rank C Combat Art with a 150+ ATK weapon while in Mystic Seal. So key to this class is make sure your weapons suck, and so do the rest of the guys in your union or otherwise disable all arts that can do moderate damage and hinder your progress. 17:28, 15 July 2009 (UTC) I'm already looking into the class change mechanics, but it will take a few days at least to figure it out. 07:21, 16 July 2009 (UTC) damn, i have a lot of doubts.

You need to use for example. Sword in one handed, in two handed and in dual wield?, and same with axe, katana, mace? Then staff and spear would be faster and other thing. I have been using dual wield with swords all time and got the last (SS rank) skill. How much 'skill level' would be that?

Thanks in advance:P 20:19, 22 July 2009 (UTC)Peilor The wields don't matter, only the weapon skills, ie you can use sword, katana, axe and mace all one-handed (or any other wield style). I'll check this later but if by any chance dual wield gains xp with both weapons then using DW with 2 different ones would be the fastest way to get Ordainer. And as for skill levels required for stuff that's my next research.

22:46, 22 July 2009 (UTC) If you are going to use dual wield, make sure Katana is the last weapon you use otherwise there is a good chance you'll become a Ninja instead of an Ordainer:) 01:04, 23 July 2009 (UTC) Don't worry mike, i play in xbox version, and thanks for replying drake. I'll start grinding skills after i do some grinding in ancient ruins (at last). Oh btw, i grind in robelia castle as mentioned in 'rush only skill stuff' in the wiki, it was kind of useful to getting all herb skills with my leaders:P 10:01, 23 July 2009 (UTC)Peilord what specific arts should i level up on the way to get ordainer? Is it a weapon specific arts (ex: sword-cross slice) or wield specific arts (ex: onehand-knee splitter)? Im confused:? Any and all combat arts with every weapon types.

Only combat arts count towards Ordainer and all combat arts give equal Exp to the Weapon type, so actually using the lower Rank arts has no hit to your Exp gains while reducing the amount of damage you do grinding. Wield doesn't matter at all. I've changed to Ordainer before and personally I use 3 wield styles to do it. Two-Handed is required no matter what because of staff/spear, and I also use One-Handed/Power Grip as well to spread the combat art usage across the other 4 remaining (mace/axe/sword/katana) weapons. Sometimes having Peerless/Swift V of all one wield style hurts your progress because they do way too much damage to enemies, even in Mystic Seal. The more you spread out your combat arts across wield styles, the more it'll benefit you at the end. If you do use Dual Wield and are on PC version, make sure your Mystic/Item balance is favouring Item Arts or balanced.

Otherwise You'll end up a Ninja is Katana/Dual Wield Exp is high enough and your Mystic/Item balance favours Mystic. 11:37, 4 August 2009 (UTC) so. What you are saying is, if I level knee splitter up to peerless/swift V which is a onehand wield skill will have an equal amount of xp to other weapons which has this skill? Second question, if i reached knee splitter peerless/swift V is that equal to weapon level 19? So that means i can have all one handed weapons to level 19 with just a single art? Or i misunderstood it. By the way tnx 4 da reply:p (markoholic) You can use Knee Splitter or Double Slash and you'll get the same Experience from using each.

Level 19 for one Weapon is the equivalent of about 800 combat art uses where everyone connects with the enemy, or 1600 combat art uses where everyone misses. You need to do that for each of the 6 weapon types. You need to use combat arts on each of the 6 weapons, so to give you a rough idea of the minimum amount of combat art uses to reach ordainer with all 6 weapons, it would be about 5000 uses of any combat art, where you use at least 800 with each weapon type. 04:07, 5 August 2009 (UTC) oh. I get it now, tnx again 4 da help.

By the way is der a way or an identifier on how i can keep track my weapon level? So i can change to another weapon if i reach that level. If none then i have to count 800 combat art i use? (markoholic) If you're on PC, getting the second weapon specific combat art (Requiem, Snowfall, etc) is level 16. From there, if you only use that art, you can stop when it gets to Tier IV.

That should be just above Level 19. 07:34, 5 August 2009 (UTC) tnx a bunch ur a great help. So i have to use the command combat arts again and again until i learn weapon specific arts? (markoholic) and tier 4 is equal to level 4 requiem or is it until i reach swift?

(markoholic) Savegame viewing in a Hex Editor for Weapon/Wield Skill Levels There is two ways of checking, one is via CheatEngine or the similar, but I won't go with that way because it is difficult. Other way is through opening your current Savegame file in a Hex Editor and viewing the address offsets I'll give you.

If you are on PC you can do this, if not I can't help you. Your savegame files should be in Documents My Games the last remnant RushGame Save Savegame00 is autosave. The rest follow the correct order, so Savegame01 = Save Slot 1.and so on. Find your current Savegame which will be SavegameXX where XX is the save game slot number in the game. Make a copy of it to Documents My Games the last remnant or so just so you don't accidentally damage it! You'll to download a Hex Editor, a free one like this will do the job!

Open the savegameXX file with the Hex Editor. Goto Offset (ctrl+g) and put the value after the 0x in the address. For Rush Sword Skill Level put in 'C4AC0' and go to there. The value will be Hexadecimal, so just open Windows Calculator, go to Programmer Mode, select the Hex radio button, and put the value of that byte in. Say it might be 0D, so you put in 0D and press the Dec radio button. That'll give you the decimal value which would be 13.

That is your current Sword Skill Level. Same applies for the rest. 0xC4AC0 = Rush Sword Skill Level. 0xC4AC6 = Rush Katana Skill Level. 0xC4ACC = Rush Axe Skill Level. 0xC4AD2 = Rush Mace Skill Level. 0xC4AD8 = Rush Spear Skill Level.

0xC4ADE = Rush Staff Skill Level. 0xC8390 = Rush One-Handed Wield Skill Level. 0xC8396 = Rush Power Grip Wield Skill Level. 0xC839C = Rush Dual-Wield Skill Level. 0xC83A2 = Rush Two-Handed SKill Level Unfortunately if this is too hard, there's not much I can do but this is the easiest way to check. Those offsets should be constant with all Savegame files, I checked a couple and they appeared to be static for those values. If they aren't let me know.

08:23, 5 August 2009 (UTC) Edit: Drakes method works too and it is a lot easier. But if you don't mind viewing in a Hex Editor you can do what I wrote above! 08:34, 5 August 2009 (UTC) what will I put in the calculator? Is it the highlighted value appears as you enter the value for weapon skill level in the offset? (markoholic) Mikeykame. I think ur wrong on dis part dat uhave said 'Say it might be 0D, so you put in 0D and press the Dec radio button. That'll give you the decimal value which would be 13' ive done a series of test, u actually dont need to use the calculator.

There is a digit/number written on da left side of the highlighted box. I used my save game, on my game i only use staff. So basically all combart usage is from my staff, i did what you said on your hex thing. As i input staff weapon skill level value which is C4ADE, i find that der is a double digit (58) written beside the highlighted box.

I test it if will go up if i use combat art and it did, it goes up from 58-60. What more im not convince yet but after i use combat art it did go up again from 60-62. I guess dis is the weapon xp from my staff which gains 2xp for every combat art usage. (correct me if im wrong) - markoholic but some needs calculator Staff Exp Lvl should be 3 bytes past the Experience Counter. It looks like this: 90 08 00 00 07 FF where 00 00 is Experience and 00 is Exp Level. Sword Experience should start at 0xC4ABC, there are 6 repeated blocks like above or similar, sword 1st, staff 6th, you should have 00 00 00 00 FF FF where there are blank. D1 0E 00 00 19 FF 94 0E 00 00 19 FF 7C 0E 00 00 19 FF 7C 0E 00 00 19 FF 8C 0E 00 00 19 FF 84 0E 00 00 19 FF That is Skill Level 0x19 (25) on all 6 weapons.

If youve used only staff you should have: 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 34 12 00 00 05 FF 36 bytes David 37 - 72 bytes Emma 73 - 108 bytes Blocter 109 - 144 bytes Pagus 145 - 180 bytes Torgal 181 - 216 bytes Emmy 5797 - 5832 bytes Irina 10549 - 10584 bytes I've never really looked much for the other ones. They should be the right offset from the start of that Weapon Skill/Exp table. Emmy is 162 in character list, and Irina is 294. 17:57, 6 August 2009 (UTC) ei. I cant really understand how to see other character's weapon exp.

Where will i start counting(knowing that each character has 36bytes interval)? Tnx -tmac i get it now, i have encoded the other characters that ive been using for now. How bout the wield skill level, it has a different interval or is still 36 bytes difference between characters? (markoholic) Heres my written data for wield!.

0xC838C is Rush's wield style block. 0xC83B6 should be David's.

The last remnant pc review

From there every 42 bytes or 0x2A bytes. Next after David should be Emma - 0x000C83E0, and so on!

In order to unpack this file after download, please enter the following password: trainer. For unpacking files we recommend using a free software -. Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game. During the game you will be able to use the following keys: CTRL + 1 -simplifying the fun in farmer CTRL + 2 -unlimited Timeshift bar CTRL + 3 -immediate fill Timeshift bar CTRL + 4 -maximum combos CTRL + 5 -100 'drops' CTRL + 6 -infinite number of 'gil' CTRL + 7 -niemalej¹ce the morale of team members CTRL + 8 – unlocked combination tending constantly out on the Board (after the introduction of the combination of open the team) CTRL + 9 -rank increase battle.

Note: The cheats and tricks listed above may not necessarily work with your copy of the game. This is due to the fact that they generally work with a specific version of the game and after updating it or choosing another language they may (although do not have to) stop working or even malfunction. Extra care should be taken with modifications, trainers, and other things that were not created by the game’s developers.

In this case the possibility of malfunctioning or even damaging the game, which may necessitate reinstalling the game, is particularly high.

How many people have this class? If you do, is it any good? I want this class, and would like to know more about it before i start so i am not wasting my time.

Savegame viewing in a Hex Editor. Your savegame files should be in Documents My Games the last remnant RushGame Save. The Last Remnant Wiki is a FANDOM Games. Then run the RemnantTrainer.exe followed by The last remnant game load up whatever save file you're using, minimize, then hit the buttons in order: 'access TLR, Refesh Model, Refresh Class' and you're in business! All changes you make in the trainer will happen in game, try not to go too crazy with changes however.

Bsnetblocker apk download. 08:46, 30 April 2009 (UTC) This is really strange class for pre-requisites to change to it. I am trying to figure out the exact requirements to be met, but I can only manage to go straight to Legendary Ordainer, not any of the lower ranks. The only conclusion I can say with complete certainty is the requirements we think are required are not. For starters:. Rush will only change to Ordainer class if he has an Axe in his main hand, this is far from the Katana requirement previously thought to be right. If I learn all Combat Arts with all wield styles and all weapon XP counters @ 5000XP limit Rush will change to Legendary rank. Otherwise he won't change class, but I think this has something to do with pure luck.

I don't think all weapon XP maxed is a requirement, rather it just satisfies the requirements by chance as the actual requirements lie within the scope of all Combat Arts, but not exactly all. All Wield Styles seems to play some role in changing, but maybe not all weapons all wields. Axe Specific combat arts are most likely the primary requirements to change to this class, and to get all those requires all wield styles. Rush wouldn't change for me without 4000XP in all wield style counters (2H, 1H, PG, DW). I brute forced all combat arts to max XP because any less would prevent class change, though I haven't figured out which ones were preventing the chance exactly, just sheer luck in this case. I need to dwell on this class more and figure out how to change to base Ordainer rank, and step through each rank of the class one by one. Only then will the requirements be something I can reproduce without having to resort to MAxing out XP counters.

This class shouldn't be nearly as impossible as it seems to change to, as Ninja or Warlock are nowhere near as difficult to obtain in a play through, so this should be no different albeit the approach. 05:50, 15 July 2009 (UTC) Requirements, as taken straight from the class record: All weapon types skill level 19 for Ordainer, 20 for Expert, 21 for Adept, 22 for Master, 23 for Lordly, and 25 for Legendary. None of the other nonsense matters one bit, although i didn't check Item/Mystic relation. I don't think it matters though. 07:18, 15 July 2009 (UTC) Ok sure I see the values, but what do those skill levels mean exactly and what are they extrapolated from?

07:23, 15 July 2009 (UTC) I'll make a xp - skill level table sometime. 07:30, 15 July 2009 (UTC) I've used Axe through my whole game (mostly power grip). I've maxed out all the power grip arts, and my Rush is Scout. I only have one of the two axe arts for one handed though. 11:56, 15 July 2009 (UTC) Forget what I wrote Drake is right here, I shouldn't look too deep into things on very little sleep as the end result is missing important details. It requires all 6 types of weapons. Skill Level 19 for Ordainer base is approximately 2600-2650XP for each Weapon type.

It's quite a lot in other words. Everytime you use a combat art and successfully hit the target you get 4XP in normal conditions, 6XP from 200-399 chains, 8XP from 400+. So it's basically a class that requires at least a week or two of solid grinding in Mystic Seal to change into.

It took me 20 ranks just to get my Skill Levels to 9 - 10 for all 6 weapons, which is nearly half way. I am upto 690 chains in Fornstrand and out of Items for recovery, and I'm going to change myself to Legendary Ordainer the ethically incorrect way because I'll go crazy if I keep this up. The one key lesson I've learnt from this class is that you have to start working at it from the beginning of the game when you have 12 or less party members, and they all have crappy weapons.

Otherwise you end up in my predicament, where a S/SS rank combat art use in Mystic Seal does easy 10+K HP damage at full morale. I've even had some do 20-30K HP hits, you'd think with 0 atk it'd be impossible, but apparently that 20-30K in Mystic Seal does 100-120K in a normal formation with 200-220ATK. 14:12, 15 July 2009 (UTC). Contents Item/Mystic Art Skill Level Equivalence Requirement Well after all the stress Drake suffered from me. I guess I owe him something for it.

So here's my penance. Ordainer Class requires skill levels for Item Arts = Mystic Arts to change class. Just to be certain this time, I first set all 6 Weapon XP to 3700 which gave me the equivalent of Skill Level 25 on each after I triggered the update by using combat arts with each Weapon. Ok so now I am at the situation where all Skill Levels for weapons are 25 so I've met the primary requirements for Ordainer but no change even after 2 or 3 battles at this point.

So I thought about what the problem could be, and I remember you saying you never bothered testing the skill levels of Item & Mystic arts for this class. Well Rush being a Legendary Commander you can imagine how one-sided my skill levels were:D This is how they looked:.

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Mystic: Inv - 4, Evo - 4, Hex - 6, Rem - 21, Psi - 18, Ward - 25. Item: Herb - 9, Potion - 1, Lotions - 13, Expl - 1, Shards - 7, Traps - 1 Without a doubt they are mystic sided heavily. So I made a few small changes to Item Art skill levels before the next battle ( Herb = 19, Potion = 11, Explosives = 11, Shards = 9, Traps = 12 ) as these values would have at least balanced out the mystic art skill levels at the bare minimum and since I don't quite know how the code evaluates the skill levels for either type whether it be Median skill level, or some fancy approach. None the less what would you know, Rush has changed to Legendary Ordainer at the end of the battle;) So there is definitely a loop there that evaluates Mystic & Item Art usage before a class change occurs, I probably went a bit overboard on the Item Art skill levels but at least we now have the final piece of the class change puzzle. Whether it is Item & Mystic equivalent skill levels or Item skill levels collectively higher than Mystic, it narrows it down to 2 possible scenarios, for Equivalent Skill Levels if Item Arts are too high it is a simple matter of spamming Mystic Arts enough until class change happens. This is much easier to do than the alternative of spamming Item Arts to play catch up. In the other scenario Item Arts greater than Mystic well after going through all this rigmarole to change to Ordainer class I would have anybody ask themselves this, why the hell would you bother spending valuable battle turns on learning Mystic Arts when the Weapon Specific Skill Level requirements for this class to be reached will take no less than a good 60 - 70 battle ranks and at least 2-300 hours of repetitive grinding to clock up the necessary combat art usage, mystic art usage is the least of your problems I think.

The Last Remnant Pc Save Game Editor

From my rough calculations if you never break 200 battle chains in your game, it should take roughly:. 900 successful combat art uses with each weapon to reach the Skill Level for Legendary Ordainer, that is 4XP. 900 = 3600XP which translates to Skill Level 24.

3700XP gives me Skill Level 25. Assume 900 successful hits, no misses or KO before use, that means 5400 successful combat art uses MINIMUM, but more likely will be nearer 6000 by the time you account for misses and other non-success states. The ultimate way to fail an attempt for this class is by using weapons with decent stats or worse high stats. Best thing you can do is buy all 6 types of weapons from the Athlum weapon shop at the beginning of the game, and use these 6 weapons for all your Combat Art usage.

Their stats suck and even when using Mystic Seal formation (which you will have to use if you would prefer not to see your battle rank at 150+ just to change to this class) your SS rank combat arts at Peerless or Swift will do pathetic damage, probably equivalent to the damage of a Peerless Rank C Combat Art with a 150+ ATK weapon while in Mystic Seal. So key to this class is make sure your weapons suck, and so do the rest of the guys in your union or otherwise disable all arts that can do moderate damage and hinder your progress. 17:28, 15 July 2009 (UTC) I'm already looking into the class change mechanics, but it will take a few days at least to figure it out. 07:21, 16 July 2009 (UTC) damn, i have a lot of doubts.

You need to use for example. Sword in one handed, in two handed and in dual wield?, and same with axe, katana, mace? Then staff and spear would be faster and other thing. I have been using dual wield with swords all time and got the last (SS rank) skill. How much 'skill level' would be that?

Thanks in advance:P 20:19, 22 July 2009 (UTC)Peilor The wields don't matter, only the weapon skills, ie you can use sword, katana, axe and mace all one-handed (or any other wield style). I'll check this later but if by any chance dual wield gains xp with both weapons then using DW with 2 different ones would be the fastest way to get Ordainer. And as for skill levels required for stuff that's my next research.

22:46, 22 July 2009 (UTC) If you are going to use dual wield, make sure Katana is the last weapon you use otherwise there is a good chance you'll become a Ninja instead of an Ordainer:) 01:04, 23 July 2009 (UTC) Don't worry mike, i play in xbox version, and thanks for replying drake. I'll start grinding skills after i do some grinding in ancient ruins (at last). Oh btw, i grind in robelia castle as mentioned in 'rush only skill stuff' in the wiki, it was kind of useful to getting all herb skills with my leaders:P 10:01, 23 July 2009 (UTC)Peilord what specific arts should i level up on the way to get ordainer? Is it a weapon specific arts (ex: sword-cross slice) or wield specific arts (ex: onehand-knee splitter)? Im confused:? Any and all combat arts with every weapon types.

Only combat arts count towards Ordainer and all combat arts give equal Exp to the Weapon type, so actually using the lower Rank arts has no hit to your Exp gains while reducing the amount of damage you do grinding. Wield doesn't matter at all. I've changed to Ordainer before and personally I use 3 wield styles to do it. Two-Handed is required no matter what because of staff/spear, and I also use One-Handed/Power Grip as well to spread the combat art usage across the other 4 remaining (mace/axe/sword/katana) weapons. Sometimes having Peerless/Swift V of all one wield style hurts your progress because they do way too much damage to enemies, even in Mystic Seal. The more you spread out your combat arts across wield styles, the more it'll benefit you at the end. If you do use Dual Wield and are on PC version, make sure your Mystic/Item balance is favouring Item Arts or balanced.

Otherwise You'll end up a Ninja is Katana/Dual Wield Exp is high enough and your Mystic/Item balance favours Mystic. 11:37, 4 August 2009 (UTC) so. What you are saying is, if I level knee splitter up to peerless/swift V which is a onehand wield skill will have an equal amount of xp to other weapons which has this skill? Second question, if i reached knee splitter peerless/swift V is that equal to weapon level 19? So that means i can have all one handed weapons to level 19 with just a single art? Or i misunderstood it. By the way tnx 4 da reply:p (markoholic) You can use Knee Splitter or Double Slash and you'll get the same Experience from using each.

Level 19 for one Weapon is the equivalent of about 800 combat art uses where everyone connects with the enemy, or 1600 combat art uses where everyone misses. You need to do that for each of the 6 weapon types. You need to use combat arts on each of the 6 weapons, so to give you a rough idea of the minimum amount of combat art uses to reach ordainer with all 6 weapons, it would be about 5000 uses of any combat art, where you use at least 800 with each weapon type. 04:07, 5 August 2009 (UTC) oh. I get it now, tnx again 4 da help.

By the way is der a way or an identifier on how i can keep track my weapon level? So i can change to another weapon if i reach that level. If none then i have to count 800 combat art i use? (markoholic) If you're on PC, getting the second weapon specific combat art (Requiem, Snowfall, etc) is level 16. From there, if you only use that art, you can stop when it gets to Tier IV.

That should be just above Level 19. 07:34, 5 August 2009 (UTC) tnx a bunch ur a great help. So i have to use the command combat arts again and again until i learn weapon specific arts? (markoholic) and tier 4 is equal to level 4 requiem or is it until i reach swift?

(markoholic) Savegame viewing in a Hex Editor for Weapon/Wield Skill Levels There is two ways of checking, one is via CheatEngine or the similar, but I won't go with that way because it is difficult. Other way is through opening your current Savegame file in a Hex Editor and viewing the address offsets I'll give you.

If you are on PC you can do this, if not I can't help you. Your savegame files should be in Documents My Games the last remnant RushGame Save Savegame00 is autosave. The rest follow the correct order, so Savegame01 = Save Slot 1.and so on. Find your current Savegame which will be SavegameXX where XX is the save game slot number in the game. Make a copy of it to Documents My Games the last remnant or so just so you don't accidentally damage it! You'll to download a Hex Editor, a free one like this will do the job!

Open the savegameXX file with the Hex Editor. Goto Offset (ctrl+g) and put the value after the 0x in the address. For Rush Sword Skill Level put in 'C4AC0' and go to there. The value will be Hexadecimal, so just open Windows Calculator, go to Programmer Mode, select the Hex radio button, and put the value of that byte in. Say it might be 0D, so you put in 0D and press the Dec radio button. That'll give you the decimal value which would be 13.

That is your current Sword Skill Level. Same applies for the rest. 0xC4AC0 = Rush Sword Skill Level. 0xC4AC6 = Rush Katana Skill Level. 0xC4ACC = Rush Axe Skill Level. 0xC4AD2 = Rush Mace Skill Level. 0xC4AD8 = Rush Spear Skill Level.

0xC4ADE = Rush Staff Skill Level. 0xC8390 = Rush One-Handed Wield Skill Level. 0xC8396 = Rush Power Grip Wield Skill Level. 0xC839C = Rush Dual-Wield Skill Level. 0xC83A2 = Rush Two-Handed SKill Level Unfortunately if this is too hard, there's not much I can do but this is the easiest way to check. Those offsets should be constant with all Savegame files, I checked a couple and they appeared to be static for those values. If they aren't let me know.

08:23, 5 August 2009 (UTC) Edit: Drakes method works too and it is a lot easier. But if you don't mind viewing in a Hex Editor you can do what I wrote above! 08:34, 5 August 2009 (UTC) what will I put in the calculator? Is it the highlighted value appears as you enter the value for weapon skill level in the offset? (markoholic) Mikeykame. I think ur wrong on dis part dat uhave said 'Say it might be 0D, so you put in 0D and press the Dec radio button. That'll give you the decimal value which would be 13' ive done a series of test, u actually dont need to use the calculator.

There is a digit/number written on da left side of the highlighted box. I used my save game, on my game i only use staff. So basically all combart usage is from my staff, i did what you said on your hex thing. As i input staff weapon skill level value which is C4ADE, i find that der is a double digit (58) written beside the highlighted box.

I test it if will go up if i use combat art and it did, it goes up from 58-60. What more im not convince yet but after i use combat art it did go up again from 60-62. I guess dis is the weapon xp from my staff which gains 2xp for every combat art usage. (correct me if im wrong) - markoholic but some needs calculator Staff Exp Lvl should be 3 bytes past the Experience Counter. It looks like this: 90 08 00 00 07 FF where 00 00 is Experience and 00 is Exp Level. Sword Experience should start at 0xC4ABC, there are 6 repeated blocks like above or similar, sword 1st, staff 6th, you should have 00 00 00 00 FF FF where there are blank. D1 0E 00 00 19 FF 94 0E 00 00 19 FF 7C 0E 00 00 19 FF 7C 0E 00 00 19 FF 8C 0E 00 00 19 FF 84 0E 00 00 19 FF That is Skill Level 0x19 (25) on all 6 weapons.

If youve used only staff you should have: 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 34 12 00 00 05 FF 36 bytes David 37 - 72 bytes Emma 73 - 108 bytes Blocter 109 - 144 bytes Pagus 145 - 180 bytes Torgal 181 - 216 bytes Emmy 5797 - 5832 bytes Irina 10549 - 10584 bytes I've never really looked much for the other ones. They should be the right offset from the start of that Weapon Skill/Exp table. Emmy is 162 in character list, and Irina is 294. 17:57, 6 August 2009 (UTC) ei. I cant really understand how to see other character's weapon exp.

Where will i start counting(knowing that each character has 36bytes interval)? Tnx -tmac i get it now, i have encoded the other characters that ive been using for now. How bout the wield skill level, it has a different interval or is still 36 bytes difference between characters? (markoholic) Heres my written data for wield!.

0xC838C is Rush's wield style block. 0xC83B6 should be David's.

The last remnant pc review

From there every 42 bytes or 0x2A bytes. Next after David should be Emma - 0x000C83E0, and so on!

In order to unpack this file after download, please enter the following password: trainer. For unpacking files we recommend using a free software -. Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game. During the game you will be able to use the following keys: CTRL + 1 -simplifying the fun in farmer CTRL + 2 -unlimited Timeshift bar CTRL + 3 -immediate fill Timeshift bar CTRL + 4 -maximum combos CTRL + 5 -100 'drops' CTRL + 6 -infinite number of 'gil' CTRL + 7 -niemalej¹ce the morale of team members CTRL + 8 – unlocked combination tending constantly out on the Board (after the introduction of the combination of open the team) CTRL + 9 -rank increase battle.

Note: The cheats and tricks listed above may not necessarily work with your copy of the game. This is due to the fact that they generally work with a specific version of the game and after updating it or choosing another language they may (although do not have to) stop working or even malfunction. Extra care should be taken with modifications, trainers, and other things that were not created by the game’s developers.

In this case the possibility of malfunctioning or even damaging the game, which may necessitate reinstalling the game, is particularly high.

...">The Last Remnant Pc Save Game Editor(16.01.2020)
  • The Last Remnant Pc Save Game Editor Rating: 9,6/10 1972 reviews
  • How many people have this class? If you do, is it any good? I want this class, and would like to know more about it before i start so i am not wasting my time.

    Savegame viewing in a Hex Editor. Your savegame files should be in Documents My Games the last remnant RushGame Save. The Last Remnant Wiki is a FANDOM Games. Then run the RemnantTrainer.exe followed by The last remnant game load up whatever save file you're using, minimize, then hit the buttons in order: 'access TLR, Refesh Model, Refresh Class' and you're in business! All changes you make in the trainer will happen in game, try not to go too crazy with changes however.

    Bsnetblocker apk download. 08:46, 30 April 2009 (UTC) This is really strange class for pre-requisites to change to it. I am trying to figure out the exact requirements to be met, but I can only manage to go straight to Legendary Ordainer, not any of the lower ranks. The only conclusion I can say with complete certainty is the requirements we think are required are not. For starters:. Rush will only change to Ordainer class if he has an Axe in his main hand, this is far from the Katana requirement previously thought to be right. If I learn all Combat Arts with all wield styles and all weapon XP counters @ 5000XP limit Rush will change to Legendary rank. Otherwise he won't change class, but I think this has something to do with pure luck.

    I don't think all weapon XP maxed is a requirement, rather it just satisfies the requirements by chance as the actual requirements lie within the scope of all Combat Arts, but not exactly all. All Wield Styles seems to play some role in changing, but maybe not all weapons all wields. Axe Specific combat arts are most likely the primary requirements to change to this class, and to get all those requires all wield styles. Rush wouldn't change for me without 4000XP in all wield style counters (2H, 1H, PG, DW). I brute forced all combat arts to max XP because any less would prevent class change, though I haven't figured out which ones were preventing the chance exactly, just sheer luck in this case. I need to dwell on this class more and figure out how to change to base Ordainer rank, and step through each rank of the class one by one. Only then will the requirements be something I can reproduce without having to resort to MAxing out XP counters.

    This class shouldn't be nearly as impossible as it seems to change to, as Ninja or Warlock are nowhere near as difficult to obtain in a play through, so this should be no different albeit the approach. 05:50, 15 July 2009 (UTC) Requirements, as taken straight from the class record: All weapon types skill level 19 for Ordainer, 20 for Expert, 21 for Adept, 22 for Master, 23 for Lordly, and 25 for Legendary. None of the other nonsense matters one bit, although i didn't check Item/Mystic relation. I don't think it matters though. 07:18, 15 July 2009 (UTC) Ok sure I see the values, but what do those skill levels mean exactly and what are they extrapolated from?

    07:23, 15 July 2009 (UTC) I'll make a xp - skill level table sometime. 07:30, 15 July 2009 (UTC) I've used Axe through my whole game (mostly power grip). I've maxed out all the power grip arts, and my Rush is Scout. I only have one of the two axe arts for one handed though. 11:56, 15 July 2009 (UTC) Forget what I wrote Drake is right here, I shouldn't look too deep into things on very little sleep as the end result is missing important details. It requires all 6 types of weapons. Skill Level 19 for Ordainer base is approximately 2600-2650XP for each Weapon type.

    It's quite a lot in other words. Everytime you use a combat art and successfully hit the target you get 4XP in normal conditions, 6XP from 200-399 chains, 8XP from 400+. So it's basically a class that requires at least a week or two of solid grinding in Mystic Seal to change into.

    It took me 20 ranks just to get my Skill Levels to 9 - 10 for all 6 weapons, which is nearly half way. I am upto 690 chains in Fornstrand and out of Items for recovery, and I'm going to change myself to Legendary Ordainer the ethically incorrect way because I'll go crazy if I keep this up. The one key lesson I've learnt from this class is that you have to start working at it from the beginning of the game when you have 12 or less party members, and they all have crappy weapons.

    Otherwise you end up in my predicament, where a S/SS rank combat art use in Mystic Seal does easy 10+K HP damage at full morale. I've even had some do 20-30K HP hits, you'd think with 0 atk it'd be impossible, but apparently that 20-30K in Mystic Seal does 100-120K in a normal formation with 200-220ATK. 14:12, 15 July 2009 (UTC). Contents Item/Mystic Art Skill Level Equivalence Requirement Well after all the stress Drake suffered from me. I guess I owe him something for it.

    So here's my penance. Ordainer Class requires skill levels for Item Arts = Mystic Arts to change class. Just to be certain this time, I first set all 6 Weapon XP to 3700 which gave me the equivalent of Skill Level 25 on each after I triggered the update by using combat arts with each Weapon. Ok so now I am at the situation where all Skill Levels for weapons are 25 so I've met the primary requirements for Ordainer but no change even after 2 or 3 battles at this point.

    So I thought about what the problem could be, and I remember you saying you never bothered testing the skill levels of Item & Mystic arts for this class. Well Rush being a Legendary Commander you can imagine how one-sided my skill levels were:D This is how they looked:.

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    Mystic: Inv - 4, Evo - 4, Hex - 6, Rem - 21, Psi - 18, Ward - 25. Item: Herb - 9, Potion - 1, Lotions - 13, Expl - 1, Shards - 7, Traps - 1 Without a doubt they are mystic sided heavily. So I made a few small changes to Item Art skill levels before the next battle ( Herb = 19, Potion = 11, Explosives = 11, Shards = 9, Traps = 12 ) as these values would have at least balanced out the mystic art skill levels at the bare minimum and since I don't quite know how the code evaluates the skill levels for either type whether it be Median skill level, or some fancy approach. None the less what would you know, Rush has changed to Legendary Ordainer at the end of the battle;) So there is definitely a loop there that evaluates Mystic & Item Art usage before a class change occurs, I probably went a bit overboard on the Item Art skill levels but at least we now have the final piece of the class change puzzle. Whether it is Item & Mystic equivalent skill levels or Item skill levels collectively higher than Mystic, it narrows it down to 2 possible scenarios, for Equivalent Skill Levels if Item Arts are too high it is a simple matter of spamming Mystic Arts enough until class change happens. This is much easier to do than the alternative of spamming Item Arts to play catch up. In the other scenario Item Arts greater than Mystic well after going through all this rigmarole to change to Ordainer class I would have anybody ask themselves this, why the hell would you bother spending valuable battle turns on learning Mystic Arts when the Weapon Specific Skill Level requirements for this class to be reached will take no less than a good 60 - 70 battle ranks and at least 2-300 hours of repetitive grinding to clock up the necessary combat art usage, mystic art usage is the least of your problems I think.

    The Last Remnant Pc Save Game Editor

    From my rough calculations if you never break 200 battle chains in your game, it should take roughly:. 900 successful combat art uses with each weapon to reach the Skill Level for Legendary Ordainer, that is 4XP. 900 = 3600XP which translates to Skill Level 24.

    3700XP gives me Skill Level 25. Assume 900 successful hits, no misses or KO before use, that means 5400 successful combat art uses MINIMUM, but more likely will be nearer 6000 by the time you account for misses and other non-success states. The ultimate way to fail an attempt for this class is by using weapons with decent stats or worse high stats. Best thing you can do is buy all 6 types of weapons from the Athlum weapon shop at the beginning of the game, and use these 6 weapons for all your Combat Art usage.

    Their stats suck and even when using Mystic Seal formation (which you will have to use if you would prefer not to see your battle rank at 150+ just to change to this class) your SS rank combat arts at Peerless or Swift will do pathetic damage, probably equivalent to the damage of a Peerless Rank C Combat Art with a 150+ ATK weapon while in Mystic Seal. So key to this class is make sure your weapons suck, and so do the rest of the guys in your union or otherwise disable all arts that can do moderate damage and hinder your progress. 17:28, 15 July 2009 (UTC) I'm already looking into the class change mechanics, but it will take a few days at least to figure it out. 07:21, 16 July 2009 (UTC) damn, i have a lot of doubts.

    You need to use for example. Sword in one handed, in two handed and in dual wield?, and same with axe, katana, mace? Then staff and spear would be faster and other thing. I have been using dual wield with swords all time and got the last (SS rank) skill. How much 'skill level' would be that?

    Thanks in advance:P 20:19, 22 July 2009 (UTC)Peilor The wields don't matter, only the weapon skills, ie you can use sword, katana, axe and mace all one-handed (or any other wield style). I'll check this later but if by any chance dual wield gains xp with both weapons then using DW with 2 different ones would be the fastest way to get Ordainer. And as for skill levels required for stuff that's my next research.

    22:46, 22 July 2009 (UTC) If you are going to use dual wield, make sure Katana is the last weapon you use otherwise there is a good chance you'll become a Ninja instead of an Ordainer:) 01:04, 23 July 2009 (UTC) Don't worry mike, i play in xbox version, and thanks for replying drake. I'll start grinding skills after i do some grinding in ancient ruins (at last). Oh btw, i grind in robelia castle as mentioned in 'rush only skill stuff' in the wiki, it was kind of useful to getting all herb skills with my leaders:P 10:01, 23 July 2009 (UTC)Peilord what specific arts should i level up on the way to get ordainer? Is it a weapon specific arts (ex: sword-cross slice) or wield specific arts (ex: onehand-knee splitter)? Im confused:? Any and all combat arts with every weapon types.

    Only combat arts count towards Ordainer and all combat arts give equal Exp to the Weapon type, so actually using the lower Rank arts has no hit to your Exp gains while reducing the amount of damage you do grinding. Wield doesn't matter at all. I've changed to Ordainer before and personally I use 3 wield styles to do it. Two-Handed is required no matter what because of staff/spear, and I also use One-Handed/Power Grip as well to spread the combat art usage across the other 4 remaining (mace/axe/sword/katana) weapons. Sometimes having Peerless/Swift V of all one wield style hurts your progress because they do way too much damage to enemies, even in Mystic Seal. The more you spread out your combat arts across wield styles, the more it'll benefit you at the end. If you do use Dual Wield and are on PC version, make sure your Mystic/Item balance is favouring Item Arts or balanced.

    Otherwise You'll end up a Ninja is Katana/Dual Wield Exp is high enough and your Mystic/Item balance favours Mystic. 11:37, 4 August 2009 (UTC) so. What you are saying is, if I level knee splitter up to peerless/swift V which is a onehand wield skill will have an equal amount of xp to other weapons which has this skill? Second question, if i reached knee splitter peerless/swift V is that equal to weapon level 19? So that means i can have all one handed weapons to level 19 with just a single art? Or i misunderstood it. By the way tnx 4 da reply:p (markoholic) You can use Knee Splitter or Double Slash and you'll get the same Experience from using each.

    Level 19 for one Weapon is the equivalent of about 800 combat art uses where everyone connects with the enemy, or 1600 combat art uses where everyone misses. You need to do that for each of the 6 weapon types. You need to use combat arts on each of the 6 weapons, so to give you a rough idea of the minimum amount of combat art uses to reach ordainer with all 6 weapons, it would be about 5000 uses of any combat art, where you use at least 800 with each weapon type. 04:07, 5 August 2009 (UTC) oh. I get it now, tnx again 4 da help.

    By the way is der a way or an identifier on how i can keep track my weapon level? So i can change to another weapon if i reach that level. If none then i have to count 800 combat art i use? (markoholic) If you're on PC, getting the second weapon specific combat art (Requiem, Snowfall, etc) is level 16. From there, if you only use that art, you can stop when it gets to Tier IV.

    That should be just above Level 19. 07:34, 5 August 2009 (UTC) tnx a bunch ur a great help. So i have to use the command combat arts again and again until i learn weapon specific arts? (markoholic) and tier 4 is equal to level 4 requiem or is it until i reach swift?

    (markoholic) Savegame viewing in a Hex Editor for Weapon/Wield Skill Levels There is two ways of checking, one is via CheatEngine or the similar, but I won't go with that way because it is difficult. Other way is through opening your current Savegame file in a Hex Editor and viewing the address offsets I'll give you.

    If you are on PC you can do this, if not I can't help you. Your savegame files should be in Documents My Games the last remnant RushGame Save Savegame00 is autosave. The rest follow the correct order, so Savegame01 = Save Slot 1.and so on. Find your current Savegame which will be SavegameXX where XX is the save game slot number in the game. Make a copy of it to Documents My Games the last remnant or so just so you don't accidentally damage it! You'll to download a Hex Editor, a free one like this will do the job!

    Open the savegameXX file with the Hex Editor. Goto Offset (ctrl+g) and put the value after the 0x in the address. For Rush Sword Skill Level put in 'C4AC0' and go to there. The value will be Hexadecimal, so just open Windows Calculator, go to Programmer Mode, select the Hex radio button, and put the value of that byte in. Say it might be 0D, so you put in 0D and press the Dec radio button. That'll give you the decimal value which would be 13.

    That is your current Sword Skill Level. Same applies for the rest. 0xC4AC0 = Rush Sword Skill Level. 0xC4AC6 = Rush Katana Skill Level. 0xC4ACC = Rush Axe Skill Level. 0xC4AD2 = Rush Mace Skill Level. 0xC4AD8 = Rush Spear Skill Level.

    0xC4ADE = Rush Staff Skill Level. 0xC8390 = Rush One-Handed Wield Skill Level. 0xC8396 = Rush Power Grip Wield Skill Level. 0xC839C = Rush Dual-Wield Skill Level. 0xC83A2 = Rush Two-Handed SKill Level Unfortunately if this is too hard, there's not much I can do but this is the easiest way to check. Those offsets should be constant with all Savegame files, I checked a couple and they appeared to be static for those values. If they aren't let me know.

    08:23, 5 August 2009 (UTC) Edit: Drakes method works too and it is a lot easier. But if you don't mind viewing in a Hex Editor you can do what I wrote above! 08:34, 5 August 2009 (UTC) what will I put in the calculator? Is it the highlighted value appears as you enter the value for weapon skill level in the offset? (markoholic) Mikeykame. I think ur wrong on dis part dat uhave said 'Say it might be 0D, so you put in 0D and press the Dec radio button. That'll give you the decimal value which would be 13' ive done a series of test, u actually dont need to use the calculator.

    There is a digit/number written on da left side of the highlighted box. I used my save game, on my game i only use staff. So basically all combart usage is from my staff, i did what you said on your hex thing. As i input staff weapon skill level value which is C4ADE, i find that der is a double digit (58) written beside the highlighted box.

    I test it if will go up if i use combat art and it did, it goes up from 58-60. What more im not convince yet but after i use combat art it did go up again from 60-62. I guess dis is the weapon xp from my staff which gains 2xp for every combat art usage. (correct me if im wrong) - markoholic but some needs calculator Staff Exp Lvl should be 3 bytes past the Experience Counter. It looks like this: 90 08 00 00 07 FF where 00 00 is Experience and 00 is Exp Level. Sword Experience should start at 0xC4ABC, there are 6 repeated blocks like above or similar, sword 1st, staff 6th, you should have 00 00 00 00 FF FF where there are blank. D1 0E 00 00 19 FF 94 0E 00 00 19 FF 7C 0E 00 00 19 FF 7C 0E 00 00 19 FF 8C 0E 00 00 19 FF 84 0E 00 00 19 FF That is Skill Level 0x19 (25) on all 6 weapons.

    If youve used only staff you should have: 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 34 12 00 00 05 FF 36 bytes David 37 - 72 bytes Emma 73 - 108 bytes Blocter 109 - 144 bytes Pagus 145 - 180 bytes Torgal 181 - 216 bytes Emmy 5797 - 5832 bytes Irina 10549 - 10584 bytes I've never really looked much for the other ones. They should be the right offset from the start of that Weapon Skill/Exp table. Emmy is 162 in character list, and Irina is 294. 17:57, 6 August 2009 (UTC) ei. I cant really understand how to see other character's weapon exp.

    Where will i start counting(knowing that each character has 36bytes interval)? Tnx -tmac i get it now, i have encoded the other characters that ive been using for now. How bout the wield skill level, it has a different interval or is still 36 bytes difference between characters? (markoholic) Heres my written data for wield!.

    0xC838C is Rush's wield style block. 0xC83B6 should be David's.

    The last remnant pc review

    From there every 42 bytes or 0x2A bytes. Next after David should be Emma - 0x000C83E0, and so on!

    In order to unpack this file after download, please enter the following password: trainer. For unpacking files we recommend using a free software -. Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game. During the game you will be able to use the following keys: CTRL + 1 -simplifying the fun in farmer CTRL + 2 -unlimited Timeshift bar CTRL + 3 -immediate fill Timeshift bar CTRL + 4 -maximum combos CTRL + 5 -100 'drops' CTRL + 6 -infinite number of 'gil' CTRL + 7 -niemalej¹ce the morale of team members CTRL + 8 – unlocked combination tending constantly out on the Board (after the introduction of the combination of open the team) CTRL + 9 -rank increase battle.

    Note: The cheats and tricks listed above may not necessarily work with your copy of the game. This is due to the fact that they generally work with a specific version of the game and after updating it or choosing another language they may (although do not have to) stop working or even malfunction. Extra care should be taken with modifications, trainers, and other things that were not created by the game’s developers.

    In this case the possibility of malfunctioning or even damaging the game, which may necessitate reinstalling the game, is particularly high.

    ...">The Last Remnant Pc Save Game Editor(16.01.2020)