Grid Machine Slice Kontakt Rating: 8,3/10 389 reviews

The Custom Kontakt Sampler – GRID MACHINE//SLICE – IDM Drum Kit video was embedded from Youtube channel “Loopmasters”. Here is the link for the source video.

Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Channel Robot Grid Machine Slice - Tech Vocals [KONTAKT]

Channel Robot Grid Machine Slice - Tech Vocals [KONTAKT] 1 GB
Loopmasters and Channel Robot present even more content for the fantastic new, Channel Robot designed, Kontakt Virtual Instrument paired with the cutting edge samples from Loopmasters' sound archives.
Here are Volumes 2 and 3 of the best selling Minimal Tech Vox - a fantastic collection of snipped, glitched, processed and tweaked minimal vocal samples, produced specifically for the dance music producer. Whether you are making Tech, Electro, Deep or Mainroom Dance Music - these samples recorded by pro session singers have been mangled, chopped and edited to provide you with the building blocks for some awesome grooves. Featuring a killer selection of one word single shot samples, glitched vox sounds, vox stabs, Fx Processed Loops, vocal hooks and re-sequenced parts which together form a formidable collection of samples for any producer looking to introduce the human element to loops and sections of their productions, and now you can further process cut, mix, slice and glitch to produce completely unique content in Grid Machine Slice.
Cut, Chop, Stutter, Reverse, Mix, Modulate and of course Slice with Grid Machine//Slice Tech Vocals. A unique powerful new type of loop altering tool to Bend, Twist and re-create your loops all in real time. Check the video for our other products to see it in action. Featuring over 800 of the highest quality Loopmasters Vox loops every one of which can be re-programmed into hundreds of totally different sounds. Over 50 presets to get you started. A virtual instrument for Kontakt 5.0 and above, Grid Machine//Slice places unique creative and playable features right at your fingertips, and on your keyboard (using its extensive key-switch system). Libraries of loops will never be the same again.
Grid Machine//Slice features EQ, Filters, Distortion, Lo-Fi, Phaser, Flanger, Delay, Reverb, Chorus, Pan, Tremolo, and Vibrato effects, all connected to an independent set of highly controllable modulators. Over 20 different ways to slice(re-order) each loop, plus you can play these patterns forwards, backwards, forwards and backwards, half-speed, double speed, and skip slices. Mute, reverse or repeat(stutter) individual slices of your choice. There are literally thousands of different ways to play each of the include 800+ loops. Oh did we mention you can cross-mix between loops giving you even more possibilities.
Retrigger a loop any time you like from any slice, play sub-loops, latch on a single slice, time changes and loop re-triggers to bar and beat all from your keyboard or the user friendly GUI inside Kontakt. Tempo sync'ed to your song in your DAW or play as a stand-alone instrument.
Tech Specs:
65 NKI's
Over 750 vocal loops and one shots

Loopmasters и Channel Robot представляют еще больше содержания для фантастического нового, разработанного Робота Канала, Kontakt Действительный Инструмент, соединенный с ультрасовременными образцами из нормальных архивов Лупмэстерса.
Здесь Тома 2 и 3 наиболее продаваемого Минимального Технического Голоса - фантастическая коллекция отрезанных, glitched, обработанный и щипнули минимальные вокальные образцы, произведенные определенно для производителя танцевальной музыки. Делаете ли Вы Технологию, Гальванопластику, Глубоко или Танцевальную музыку Mainroom - эти образцы, зарегистрированные про певцами сессии, были искорежены, расколоты и отредактированы, чтобы предоставить Вам стандартные блоки для некоторых удивительных углублений. Показывая выбор убийцы одного слова единственные образцы выстрела, glitched звуки голоса, удары голоса, Fx, который Обработанные Петли, вокал зацепляет и повторно упорядоченные части, которые вместе формируют огромную коллекцию образцов для любого производителя, надеющегося представлять человека петлям и разделам их производства, и теперь Вы можете далее обработать сокращение, соединение, часть и затруднение, чтобы произвести абсолютно уникальное содержание в Машинной Части Сетки.
Сокращение, Отбивная, Заикание, Перемена, Соединение, Модулирует и конечно Часть с Машиной Сетки//Технические Вокалы Части. Уникальный сильный новый тип инструмента изменения петли, чтобы Согнуться, Крутите и обновите свои петли все в режиме реального времени. Проверьте видео на наши другие продукты, чтобы видеть его в действии. Показ более чем 800 из петель Голоса Loopmasters высшего качества, каждые из которых может быть повторно запрограммирован в сотни полностью различных звуков. Более чем 50 задают, чтобы начать Вас. Действительный инструмент для Kontakt 5.0 и выше, Машина Сетки//Часть помещает уникальное творческое и играемое право особенностей под рукой, и на Вашей клавиатуре (использующий ее обширную систему ключевого выключателя). Библиотеки петель никогда не будут тем же самым снова.
Машина сетки//Часть показывает EQ, Фильтры, Искажение, лоу-фай, Phaser, Flanger, Задержку, Реверберацию, Хор, Кастрюлю, Тремоло и эффекты Вибрато, все связанные с независимым набором очень управляемых модуляторов. Более чем 20 различных способов резать (переупорядочивают) каждую петлю, плюс Вы может играть эти образцы вперед, назад, вперед и назад, полускорость, удвоенная скорость, и пропустить части. Немой, обратный или повторный (заикание) части человека Вашего выбора. Есть буквально тысячи различных способов играть каждый то, чтобы включать 800 + петли. О, сделал мы упоминаем, что Вы можете поперечный смешаться между петлями, дающими Вам еще больше возможностей.
Повторно вызовите петлю любое время, Вам нравится от любой части, подпетель игры, замка на единственной части, изменениях времени и переспусковых механизмах петли запрещать и бить все от Вашей клавиатуры или GUI дружественного к пользователю в Kontakt. Темп sync'ed к Вашей песне в Вашей ГАЛКЕ или игре как автономный инструмент.
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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill Views: 803 Added by: shlyapa Tags: Grid Machine Slice, Channel Robot, Tech Vocals Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 0
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Cinematic City is filled with atmospheric elements, wide angle soundscapes and moving shifting sound. Erie looping, drifting alien sound beds, rhythmic deep bass and percussion all available in the new Grid Machine//Slice Version 2 interface. Cinematic City's delivery in Grid Machine//Slice Version 2 allows you to create stuttering, fading chopped loops and glitch sounds from any of the included material, every loop can be cross mixed with up to 11 others, variable repeats (stutter), reverse and mute effects, user designed pattern structures, random slice playing, trigger envelopes, match all these with 10 fully modulatable effects and all the functionality of Grid Machine Slice V1 means thousands upon thousands of variations each customisable to suit your exact needs is right there at your finger tips. Tech Specs: - Kontakt 5+ Instrument - 871MB Contains: - Kontakt 5+ Instrument using custom scripting - 197 60BPM to 150BPM Ambient Loops - 850+MB of WAV Data Please Note: You will need the Full version of Kontakt 5 or higher to use this Instrument. Download Sizes Version Compressed Download Size Kontakt 5/WAV Download includes ZIP: 854.3 MB.When ordering the download product from Big Fish Audio you will be given one or more links for each of your product purchases. The links will be active for 24 hours. During this time you should download the file and expand it.

You can return to your Big Fish Audio account at any time and download your products. You will find your products in the 'My Products' area of your account page. License Agreement. The Following End User License Agreement is included with Grid Machine Slice - Cinematic City. This License is only valid for the individual who has purchased an unopened, new and lawfully made copy of Grid Machine Slice - Cinematic City from a dealer or distributor authorized by Big Fish Audio. 'Terms & Conditions Trading terms and conditions (1) Payment Goods remain the property of Loopmasters Ltd until they are fully paid for.

For trade customers, credit, if granted, will not exceed the maximum limit specified in the credit agreement. Credit may be stopped if the payment terms are not adhered to. A credit account may not be opend until a satisfactory reply has been received from both trade reference provided on the credit application. Company accounts may be requested. We will replace any defective product immediately at our cost.

However we cannot accept returns for any other reason. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of the product you are ordering, please listen to the demo of the product on this website or contact us directly for more information. (2) Prices, Measurements All prices quoted are unit prices, either in sterling net of VAT, in Euros or US Dollars.


All measurements are in cm or mm. Website terms and conditions (1) Introduction These terms and conditions govern your use of our website; by using our website, you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, do not use our website.

(2) Intellectual property rights Unless otherwise stated, we or our licensors own the intellectual property rights in the website and material on the website. Subject to the licence below, all our intellectual property rights are reserved.

(3) Licence to use website You may view, download for caching purposes only, and print pages from the website, provided that: (a) you must not republish material from this website (including republication on another website), or reproduce or store material from this website in any public or private electronic retrieval system; (b) you must not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, visit, or otherwise exploit our website or material on our website for a commercial purpose, without our express written consent; (c) you must not edit or otherwise modify any material on the website. (4) Limitations of liability You acknowledge that it would be unreasonable to hold us liable in respect of this website and the information on this website. Whilst we endeavour to ensure that the information on this website is correct, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor do we not commit to ensuring that the website remains available or that the material on this website is kept up-to-date. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions (including, without limitation, the conditions implied by law of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and the use of reasonable care and skill).

Our liability is limited and excluded to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law. We will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising under these terms and conditions or in connection with our website, whether arising in tort, contract, or otherwise - including, without limitation, any loss of profit, contracts, business, goodwill, data, income, revenue or anticipated savings. However, nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit our liability for fraud, for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or for any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. (5) The right to challenge a transaction Loopmasters reserve the right to challenge the legal standing of a transaction under sufficient circumstances. In such case the user will be contacted by Loopmasters staff individually to confirm his/her identity. Failure to verify a user's identity will result in cancelling the challenged order.

A challenged order is open for validation for 30 days after the transaction. (6) Restricted access Access to certain areas of our website is restricted. We reserve the right to restrict access to areas of our website, or indeed our whole website, at our discretion. If we provide you with a user ID and password to enable you to access restricted areas of our website or other content or services, you must ensure that that user ID and password is kept confidential. You accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your user ID or password. Tanks 4.09d download.

We may disable your user ID and password at our sole discretion or if you breach any of the policies or terms governing your use of our website or any other contractual obligation you owe to us. (7) Variation We may revise these terms and conditions from time-to-time. Please check this page regularly to ensure you are familiar with the current version. (8) Entire agreement These terms and conditions, together with our privacy policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of our website, and supersede all previous agreements in respect of your use of this website. (9) Law and jurisdiction This notice will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and any disputes relating to this notice shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England. (10) Our contact details The full name of our company is Loopmasters Limited and our address is: Loopmasters Ltd.
The Ironworks
Blackman Street

The Custom Kontakt Sampler – GRID MACHINE//SLICE – IDM Drum Kit video was embedded from Youtube channel “Loopmasters”. Here is the link for the source video.

Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Channel Robot Grid Machine Slice - Tech Vocals [KONTAKT]

Channel Robot Grid Machine Slice - Tech Vocals [KONTAKT] 1 GB
Loopmasters and Channel Robot present even more content for the fantastic new, Channel Robot designed, Kontakt Virtual Instrument paired with the cutting edge samples from Loopmasters' sound archives.
Here are Volumes 2 and 3 of the best selling Minimal Tech Vox - a fantastic collection of snipped, glitched, processed and tweaked minimal vocal samples, produced specifically for the dance music producer. Whether you are making Tech, Electro, Deep or Mainroom Dance Music - these samples recorded by pro session singers have been mangled, chopped and edited to provide you with the building blocks for some awesome grooves. Featuring a killer selection of one word single shot samples, glitched vox sounds, vox stabs, Fx Processed Loops, vocal hooks and re-sequenced parts which together form a formidable collection of samples for any producer looking to introduce the human element to loops and sections of their productions, and now you can further process cut, mix, slice and glitch to produce completely unique content in Grid Machine Slice.
Cut, Chop, Stutter, Reverse, Mix, Modulate and of course Slice with Grid Machine//Slice Tech Vocals. A unique powerful new type of loop altering tool to Bend, Twist and re-create your loops all in real time. Check the video for our other products to see it in action. Featuring over 800 of the highest quality Loopmasters Vox loops every one of which can be re-programmed into hundreds of totally different sounds. Over 50 presets to get you started. A virtual instrument for Kontakt 5.0 and above, Grid Machine//Slice places unique creative and playable features right at your fingertips, and on your keyboard (using its extensive key-switch system). Libraries of loops will never be the same again.
Grid Machine//Slice features EQ, Filters, Distortion, Lo-Fi, Phaser, Flanger, Delay, Reverb, Chorus, Pan, Tremolo, and Vibrato effects, all connected to an independent set of highly controllable modulators. Over 20 different ways to slice(re-order) each loop, plus you can play these patterns forwards, backwards, forwards and backwards, half-speed, double speed, and skip slices. Mute, reverse or repeat(stutter) individual slices of your choice. There are literally thousands of different ways to play each of the include 800+ loops. Oh did we mention you can cross-mix between loops giving you even more possibilities.
Retrigger a loop any time you like from any slice, play sub-loops, latch on a single slice, time changes and loop re-triggers to bar and beat all from your keyboard or the user friendly GUI inside Kontakt. Tempo sync'ed to your song in your DAW or play as a stand-alone instrument.
Tech Specs:
65 NKI's
Over 750 vocal loops and one shots

Loopmasters и Channel Robot представляют еще больше содержания для фантастического нового, разработанного Робота Канала, Kontakt Действительный Инструмент, соединенный с ультрасовременными образцами из нормальных архивов Лупмэстерса.
Здесь Тома 2 и 3 наиболее продаваемого Минимального Технического Голоса - фантастическая коллекция отрезанных, glitched, обработанный и щипнули минимальные вокальные образцы, произведенные определенно для производителя танцевальной музыки. Делаете ли Вы Технологию, Гальванопластику, Глубоко или Танцевальную музыку Mainroom - эти образцы, зарегистрированные про певцами сессии, были искорежены, расколоты и отредактированы, чтобы предоставить Вам стандартные блоки для некоторых удивительных углублений. Показывая выбор убийцы одного слова единственные образцы выстрела, glitched звуки голоса, удары голоса, Fx, который Обработанные Петли, вокал зацепляет и повторно упорядоченные части, которые вместе формируют огромную коллекцию образцов для любого производителя, надеющегося представлять человека петлям и разделам их производства, и теперь Вы можете далее обработать сокращение, соединение, часть и затруднение, чтобы произвести абсолютно уникальное содержание в Машинной Части Сетки.
Сокращение, Отбивная, Заикание, Перемена, Соединение, Модулирует и конечно Часть с Машиной Сетки//Технические Вокалы Части. Уникальный сильный новый тип инструмента изменения петли, чтобы Согнуться, Крутите и обновите свои петли все в режиме реального времени. Проверьте видео на наши другие продукты, чтобы видеть его в действии. Показ более чем 800 из петель Голоса Loopmasters высшего качества, каждые из которых может быть повторно запрограммирован в сотни полностью различных звуков. Более чем 50 задают, чтобы начать Вас. Действительный инструмент для Kontakt 5.0 и выше, Машина Сетки//Часть помещает уникальное творческое и играемое право особенностей под рукой, и на Вашей клавиатуре (использующий ее обширную систему ключевого выключателя). Библиотеки петель никогда не будут тем же самым снова.
Машина сетки//Часть показывает EQ, Фильтры, Искажение, лоу-фай, Phaser, Flanger, Задержку, Реверберацию, Хор, Кастрюлю, Тремоло и эффекты Вибрато, все связанные с независимым набором очень управляемых модуляторов. Более чем 20 различных способов резать (переупорядочивают) каждую петлю, плюс Вы может играть эти образцы вперед, назад, вперед и назад, полускорость, удвоенная скорость, и пропустить части. Немой, обратный или повторный (заикание) части человека Вашего выбора. Есть буквально тысячи различных способов играть каждый то, чтобы включать 800 + петли. О, сделал мы упоминаем, что Вы можете поперечный смешаться между петлями, дающими Вам еще больше возможностей.
Повторно вызовите петлю любое время, Вам нравится от любой части, подпетель игры, замка на единственной части, изменениях времени и переспусковых механизмах петли запрещать и бить все от Вашей клавиатуры или GUI дружественного к пользователю в Kontakt. Темп sync'ed к Вашей песне в Вашей ГАЛКЕ или игре как автономный инструмент.
home page:

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Donation of [[value]] BTC Received. Thank You.

Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill Views: 803 Added by: shlyapa Tags: Grid Machine Slice, Channel Robot, Tech Vocals Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 0
Only registered users can add comments.
[ Registration Login ]

Cinematic City is filled with atmospheric elements, wide angle soundscapes and moving shifting sound. Erie looping, drifting alien sound beds, rhythmic deep bass and percussion all available in the new Grid Machine//Slice Version 2 interface. Cinematic City's delivery in Grid Machine//Slice Version 2 allows you to create stuttering, fading chopped loops and glitch sounds from any of the included material, every loop can be cross mixed with up to 11 others, variable repeats (stutter), reverse and mute effects, user designed pattern structures, random slice playing, trigger envelopes, match all these with 10 fully modulatable effects and all the functionality of Grid Machine Slice V1 means thousands upon thousands of variations each customisable to suit your exact needs is right there at your finger tips. Tech Specs: - Kontakt 5+ Instrument - 871MB Contains: - Kontakt 5+ Instrument using custom scripting - 197 60BPM to 150BPM Ambient Loops - 850+MB of WAV Data Please Note: You will need the Full version of Kontakt 5 or higher to use this Instrument. Download Sizes Version Compressed Download Size Kontakt 5/WAV Download includes ZIP: 854.3 MB.When ordering the download product from Big Fish Audio you will be given one or more links for each of your product purchases. The links will be active for 24 hours. During this time you should download the file and expand it.

You can return to your Big Fish Audio account at any time and download your products. You will find your products in the 'My Products' area of your account page. License Agreement. The Following End User License Agreement is included with Grid Machine Slice - Cinematic City. This License is only valid for the individual who has purchased an unopened, new and lawfully made copy of Grid Machine Slice - Cinematic City from a dealer or distributor authorized by Big Fish Audio. 'Terms & Conditions Trading terms and conditions (1) Payment Goods remain the property of Loopmasters Ltd until they are fully paid for.

For trade customers, credit, if granted, will not exceed the maximum limit specified in the credit agreement. Credit may be stopped if the payment terms are not adhered to. A credit account may not be opend until a satisfactory reply has been received from both trade reference provided on the credit application. Company accounts may be requested. We will replace any defective product immediately at our cost.

However we cannot accept returns for any other reason. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of the product you are ordering, please listen to the demo of the product on this website or contact us directly for more information. (2) Prices, Measurements All prices quoted are unit prices, either in sterling net of VAT, in Euros or US Dollars.


All measurements are in cm or mm. Website terms and conditions (1) Introduction These terms and conditions govern your use of our website; by using our website, you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, do not use our website.

(2) Intellectual property rights Unless otherwise stated, we or our licensors own the intellectual property rights in the website and material on the website. Subject to the licence below, all our intellectual property rights are reserved.

(3) Licence to use website You may view, download for caching purposes only, and print pages from the website, provided that: (a) you must not republish material from this website (including republication on another website), or reproduce or store material from this website in any public or private electronic retrieval system; (b) you must not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, visit, or otherwise exploit our website or material on our website for a commercial purpose, without our express written consent; (c) you must not edit or otherwise modify any material on the website. (4) Limitations of liability You acknowledge that it would be unreasonable to hold us liable in respect of this website and the information on this website. Whilst we endeavour to ensure that the information on this website is correct, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor do we not commit to ensuring that the website remains available or that the material on this website is kept up-to-date. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions (including, without limitation, the conditions implied by law of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and the use of reasonable care and skill).

Our liability is limited and excluded to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law. We will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising under these terms and conditions or in connection with our website, whether arising in tort, contract, or otherwise - including, without limitation, any loss of profit, contracts, business, goodwill, data, income, revenue or anticipated savings. However, nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit our liability for fraud, for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or for any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. (5) The right to challenge a transaction Loopmasters reserve the right to challenge the legal standing of a transaction under sufficient circumstances. In such case the user will be contacted by Loopmasters staff individually to confirm his/her identity. Failure to verify a user's identity will result in cancelling the challenged order.

A challenged order is open for validation for 30 days after the transaction. (6) Restricted access Access to certain areas of our website is restricted. We reserve the right to restrict access to areas of our website, or indeed our whole website, at our discretion. If we provide you with a user ID and password to enable you to access restricted areas of our website or other content or services, you must ensure that that user ID and password is kept confidential. You accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your user ID or password. Tanks 4.09d download.

We may disable your user ID and password at our sole discretion or if you breach any of the policies or terms governing your use of our website or any other contractual obligation you owe to us. (7) Variation We may revise these terms and conditions from time-to-time. Please check this page regularly to ensure you are familiar with the current version. (8) Entire agreement These terms and conditions, together with our privacy policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of our website, and supersede all previous agreements in respect of your use of this website. (9) Law and jurisdiction This notice will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and any disputes relating to this notice shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England. (10) Our contact details The full name of our company is Loopmasters Limited and our address is: Loopmasters Ltd.
The Ironworks
Blackman Street

...">Grid Machine Slice Kontakt(31.01.2020)
  • Grid Machine Slice Kontakt Rating: 8,3/10 389 reviews
  • The Custom Kontakt Sampler – GRID MACHINE//SLICE – IDM Drum Kit video was embedded from Youtube channel “Loopmasters”. Here is the link for the source video.

    Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Channel Robot Grid Machine Slice - Tech Vocals [KONTAKT]

    Channel Robot Grid Machine Slice - Tech Vocals [KONTAKT] 1 GB
    Loopmasters and Channel Robot present even more content for the fantastic new, Channel Robot designed, Kontakt Virtual Instrument paired with the cutting edge samples from Loopmasters' sound archives.
    Here are Volumes 2 and 3 of the best selling Minimal Tech Vox - a fantastic collection of snipped, glitched, processed and tweaked minimal vocal samples, produced specifically for the dance music producer. Whether you are making Tech, Electro, Deep or Mainroom Dance Music - these samples recorded by pro session singers have been mangled, chopped and edited to provide you with the building blocks for some awesome grooves. Featuring a killer selection of one word single shot samples, glitched vox sounds, vox stabs, Fx Processed Loops, vocal hooks and re-sequenced parts which together form a formidable collection of samples for any producer looking to introduce the human element to loops and sections of their productions, and now you can further process cut, mix, slice and glitch to produce completely unique content in Grid Machine Slice.
    Cut, Chop, Stutter, Reverse, Mix, Modulate and of course Slice with Grid Machine//Slice Tech Vocals. A unique powerful new type of loop altering tool to Bend, Twist and re-create your loops all in real time. Check the video for our other products to see it in action. Featuring over 800 of the highest quality Loopmasters Vox loops every one of which can be re-programmed into hundreds of totally different sounds. Over 50 presets to get you started. A virtual instrument for Kontakt 5.0 and above, Grid Machine//Slice places unique creative and playable features right at your fingertips, and on your keyboard (using its extensive key-switch system). Libraries of loops will never be the same again.
    Grid Machine//Slice features EQ, Filters, Distortion, Lo-Fi, Phaser, Flanger, Delay, Reverb, Chorus, Pan, Tremolo, and Vibrato effects, all connected to an independent set of highly controllable modulators. Over 20 different ways to slice(re-order) each loop, plus you can play these patterns forwards, backwards, forwards and backwards, half-speed, double speed, and skip slices. Mute, reverse or repeat(stutter) individual slices of your choice. There are literally thousands of different ways to play each of the include 800+ loops. Oh did we mention you can cross-mix between loops giving you even more possibilities.
    Retrigger a loop any time you like from any slice, play sub-loops, latch on a single slice, time changes and loop re-triggers to bar and beat all from your keyboard or the user friendly GUI inside Kontakt. Tempo sync'ed to your song in your DAW or play as a stand-alone instrument.
    Tech Specs:
    65 NKI's
    Over 750 vocal loops and one shots

    Loopmasters и Channel Robot представляют еще больше содержания для фантастического нового, разработанного Робота Канала, Kontakt Действительный Инструмент, соединенный с ультрасовременными образцами из нормальных архивов Лупмэстерса.
    Здесь Тома 2 и 3 наиболее продаваемого Минимального Технического Голоса - фантастическая коллекция отрезанных, glitched, обработанный и щипнули минимальные вокальные образцы, произведенные определенно для производителя танцевальной музыки. Делаете ли Вы Технологию, Гальванопластику, Глубоко или Танцевальную музыку Mainroom - эти образцы, зарегистрированные про певцами сессии, были искорежены, расколоты и отредактированы, чтобы предоставить Вам стандартные блоки для некоторых удивительных углублений. Показывая выбор убийцы одного слова единственные образцы выстрела, glitched звуки голоса, удары голоса, Fx, который Обработанные Петли, вокал зацепляет и повторно упорядоченные части, которые вместе формируют огромную коллекцию образцов для любого производителя, надеющегося представлять человека петлям и разделам их производства, и теперь Вы можете далее обработать сокращение, соединение, часть и затруднение, чтобы произвести абсолютно уникальное содержание в Машинной Части Сетки.
    Сокращение, Отбивная, Заикание, Перемена, Соединение, Модулирует и конечно Часть с Машиной Сетки//Технические Вокалы Части. Уникальный сильный новый тип инструмента изменения петли, чтобы Согнуться, Крутите и обновите свои петли все в режиме реального времени. Проверьте видео на наши другие продукты, чтобы видеть его в действии. Показ более чем 800 из петель Голоса Loopmasters высшего качества, каждые из которых может быть повторно запрограммирован в сотни полностью различных звуков. Более чем 50 задают, чтобы начать Вас. Действительный инструмент для Kontakt 5.0 и выше, Машина Сетки//Часть помещает уникальное творческое и играемое право особенностей под рукой, и на Вашей клавиатуре (использующий ее обширную систему ключевого выключателя). Библиотеки петель никогда не будут тем же самым снова.
    Машина сетки//Часть показывает EQ, Фильтры, Искажение, лоу-фай, Phaser, Flanger, Задержку, Реверберацию, Хор, Кастрюлю, Тремоло и эффекты Вибрато, все связанные с независимым набором очень управляемых модуляторов. Более чем 20 различных способов резать (переупорядочивают) каждую петлю, плюс Вы может играть эти образцы вперед, назад, вперед и назад, полускорость, удвоенная скорость, и пропустить части. Немой, обратный или повторный (заикание) части человека Вашего выбора. Есть буквально тысячи различных способов играть каждый то, чтобы включать 800 + петли. О, сделал мы упоминаем, что Вы можете поперечный смешаться между петлями, дающими Вам еще больше возможностей.
    Повторно вызовите петлю любое время, Вам нравится от любой части, подпетель игры, замка на единственной части, изменениях времени и переспусковых механизмах петли запрещать и бить все от Вашей клавиатуры или GUI дружественного к пользователю в Kontakt. Темп sync'ed к Вашей песне в Вашей ГАЛКЕ или игре как автономный инструмент.
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    Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill Views: 803 Added by: shlyapa Tags: Grid Machine Slice, Channel Robot, Tech Vocals Rating: 0.0/0
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    Cinematic City is filled with atmospheric elements, wide angle soundscapes and moving shifting sound. Erie looping, drifting alien sound beds, rhythmic deep bass and percussion all available in the new Grid Machine//Slice Version 2 interface. Cinematic City's delivery in Grid Machine//Slice Version 2 allows you to create stuttering, fading chopped loops and glitch sounds from any of the included material, every loop can be cross mixed with up to 11 others, variable repeats (stutter), reverse and mute effects, user designed pattern structures, random slice playing, trigger envelopes, match all these with 10 fully modulatable effects and all the functionality of Grid Machine Slice V1 means thousands upon thousands of variations each customisable to suit your exact needs is right there at your finger tips. Tech Specs: - Kontakt 5+ Instrument - 871MB Contains: - Kontakt 5+ Instrument using custom scripting - 197 60BPM to 150BPM Ambient Loops - 850+MB of WAV Data Please Note: You will need the Full version of Kontakt 5 or higher to use this Instrument. Download Sizes Version Compressed Download Size Kontakt 5/WAV Download includes ZIP: 854.3 MB.When ordering the download product from Big Fish Audio you will be given one or more links for each of your product purchases. The links will be active for 24 hours. During this time you should download the file and expand it.

    You can return to your Big Fish Audio account at any time and download your products. You will find your products in the 'My Products' area of your account page. License Agreement. The Following End User License Agreement is included with Grid Machine Slice - Cinematic City. This License is only valid for the individual who has purchased an unopened, new and lawfully made copy of Grid Machine Slice - Cinematic City from a dealer or distributor authorized by Big Fish Audio. 'Terms & Conditions Trading terms and conditions (1) Payment Goods remain the property of Loopmasters Ltd until they are fully paid for.

    For trade customers, credit, if granted, will not exceed the maximum limit specified in the credit agreement. Credit may be stopped if the payment terms are not adhered to. A credit account may not be opend until a satisfactory reply has been received from both trade reference provided on the credit application. Company accounts may be requested. We will replace any defective product immediately at our cost.

    However we cannot accept returns for any other reason. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of the product you are ordering, please listen to the demo of the product on this website or contact us directly for more information. (2) Prices, Measurements All prices quoted are unit prices, either in sterling net of VAT, in Euros or US Dollars.


    All measurements are in cm or mm. Website terms and conditions (1) Introduction These terms and conditions govern your use of our website; by using our website, you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, do not use our website.

    (2) Intellectual property rights Unless otherwise stated, we or our licensors own the intellectual property rights in the website and material on the website. Subject to the licence below, all our intellectual property rights are reserved.

    (3) Licence to use website You may view, download for caching purposes only, and print pages from the website, provided that: (a) you must not republish material from this website (including republication on another website), or reproduce or store material from this website in any public or private electronic retrieval system; (b) you must not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, visit, or otherwise exploit our website or material on our website for a commercial purpose, without our express written consent; (c) you must not edit or otherwise modify any material on the website. (4) Limitations of liability You acknowledge that it would be unreasonable to hold us liable in respect of this website and the information on this website. Whilst we endeavour to ensure that the information on this website is correct, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor do we not commit to ensuring that the website remains available or that the material on this website is kept up-to-date. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions (including, without limitation, the conditions implied by law of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and the use of reasonable care and skill).

    Our liability is limited and excluded to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law. We will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising under these terms and conditions or in connection with our website, whether arising in tort, contract, or otherwise - including, without limitation, any loss of profit, contracts, business, goodwill, data, income, revenue or anticipated savings. However, nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit our liability for fraud, for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or for any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. (5) The right to challenge a transaction Loopmasters reserve the right to challenge the legal standing of a transaction under sufficient circumstances. In such case the user will be contacted by Loopmasters staff individually to confirm his/her identity. Failure to verify a user's identity will result in cancelling the challenged order.

    A challenged order is open for validation for 30 days after the transaction. (6) Restricted access Access to certain areas of our website is restricted. We reserve the right to restrict access to areas of our website, or indeed our whole website, at our discretion. If we provide you with a user ID and password to enable you to access restricted areas of our website or other content or services, you must ensure that that user ID and password is kept confidential. You accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your user ID or password. Tanks 4.09d download.

    We may disable your user ID and password at our sole discretion or if you breach any of the policies or terms governing your use of our website or any other contractual obligation you owe to us. (7) Variation We may revise these terms and conditions from time-to-time. Please check this page regularly to ensure you are familiar with the current version. (8) Entire agreement These terms and conditions, together with our privacy policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of our website, and supersede all previous agreements in respect of your use of this website. (9) Law and jurisdiction This notice will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and any disputes relating to this notice shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England. (10) Our contact details The full name of our company is Loopmasters Limited and our address is: Loopmasters Ltd.
The Ironworks
Blackman Street

    ...">Grid Machine Slice Kontakt(31.01.2020)