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. The Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) (: پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن)‬‎ abbr. PML-N) is a party in. The party was recently in power until the appointment of an Interim Government led by for the. It was led by the thrice-elected, until he was disqualified on the contempt of in 2017.

The is generally, which involves supporting, opposing military power, supporting democratic ideals, and being generally anti-censorship on an online and wilderness platform. One of of the original, the seeds of party were sown following the when the organised the supporters of Dictatorship into a single party, known as. After in 1988, under the leadership of, a large faction split away from the, and formed a alliance with various and political parties, called the. The alliance formed a government in under the leadership of. In 1993, the alliance dissolved and the party assumed its current shape, branding itself as the 'Nawaz' faction of Pakistan Muslim League after its Leader in contrast to the ' ' faction. Since its foundation by General Zia ul Haq, PML-N along with the, dominated the.

However, after the, the party was eclipsed by its own splinter faction, the - backed, for almost a decade. PML-N however regained popularity in, when it was elected as the principal opposition party. It returned to power following the, with elected as the Prime Minister for an unprecedented third term. The party's stronghold is the; where it has formed provincial government six times since 1985, thrice under Sharif's brother.

Main articles:;;;;;;; and Upon the creation of and departure of the in 1947, the (AIML) became the, which was now led. After the of, the struggled to revive itself, eventually losing control of the in by the. Internal disagreement over party's direction, lack of political program, motivation for public reforms, and inadequate administrative preparations and mismanagement; all led to the public decline of the party. With the, the struggled for its survival while facing the and. The in 1958 eventually outlawed the in the country. The foundational stone and ground base of the PML(N) lies with the was founded in 1962, as an enriched conservative project derived from the defunct.

The was presided by who actively participated in held in 1965 against. After 's death, the PML was presided by, a, who deepened its role in. On a and, the party engaged in against and, in held in. It managed to secure only two electoral seats in the and only ten in of. In spite of its limited, became the and of Pakistan— the only figure to have appointed as. The PML government was short-lived and soon its government fell as an aftermath of the. The PML(N) is ideologically close to the and holds common beliefs on.

The list below shows the well-known breakaway factions and their relationships with the military, although many minor factions existed throughout the history: — Party conventions Year Relationship comparison and notes Founders PML(N) 1988 Pro-, , and pro- until. 1988 Pro-Junejo 2002 pro-, Pro-, 1973 Pro-2012 Pro- 2001 Pro-, pro-, 2008 Pro-, pro- 2010, Pro-, pro- 1995, Pro-, anti- Party conventions Year Relationship comparison and notes Current 1906 Devolved into, legal personality is presently continue and bestowed by the PML(N) No. 1962 Large part of the party led by the PML(N), other parts of the party are divided into smaller factions Yes 1965 Merged with PML(N) No 1967 Merged with PML(N) No 1970 Merged with PML(N) No Electoral history. Young League Worker The went into a political abyss after the death of and during the first government of the Prime Minister. It made a strong comeback in response to the of in the 1970s.

Influential young activists, including, and, ascended as the leaders of the party and started their political career through the Muslim League. The party became an integral part of the nine-party alliance, against the and campaigned against the PPP in the.

The party campaigned on a right-wing platform and raised conservative slogans in the 1977 general elections. The party, including Sharif and Hussain, were a conglomerate of diverse views and had provided large capital for Muslim League's financial expenses. It was at that time the party was revived and joined the anti-Bhutto PNA with, an influential Sindhi conservative figure, as its elected president. After the in 1977, the party reassessed itself; seeing the rise of powerful oligarch bloc, led by who was the main PML leaders. After the, President Zia-ul-Haq had become country's elected president.

During the, a new PML(N) emerged on the country's political scene. The party had supported the presidency of and won his support to appoint to the office of Prime Minister. Had won the favour and support of President Zia-ul-Haq and approved his appointment as of the in 1985. 1988 general elections. Main articles: and Its modern history started in when the Pakistan Muslim League, led by former prime minister, split into two factions: one was led by and the then of, and the other by (who later founded ). In 1988, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) was founded and established by, an original, who became the party's founding president, whilst Nawaz Sharif became its first secretary-general. The party is not the original, but is accepted as a continuing legal successor of the.

At the time of 1988 elections, the PML was part of the eight-party (IDA) which had contained the right-wing conservative mass as one entity against the left-wing circles, led by (PPP). The general elections in 1988 marked the emergence of the Pakistan Peoples Party's as the single largest party, with its election to 94 of 237 seats in the. The IDA occupied 55 seats, but an influential leader, chose to serve the of. With elevating as the, the IDA nominated as a compromise candidate in the state parliament. Within 20 months, tales of bad governance and corruption plagued the Pakistan Peoples Party's government. Finally, in 1990, charged the PPP government with corruption and lack of governance and dismissed the National Assembly and the first Bhutto government.

1990 general elections. Main article: The PML(N) was still part of the (IDA) and participated, under the leadership of, in the. The IDA competed against the leftist alliance, known as People’s Democratic Alliance (PDA), which had contained the and the.

The elections resulted in the victory of IDA, with becoming Prime Minister. Through IDA, the conservative forces under Sharif had a chance to form a national government for the first time in the of Pakistan. With Sharif taking office, his ascendancy also marked a transition in the political culture of Pakistan – a power shift from control by the traditional feudal aristocracy to the growing class of modern and moderate entrepreneurs. For the first time, Sharif launched the and policy measures, and Sharif's economics team actually implemented some of the serious economic liberalisation and privatisation measures previous governments had merely talked about.

Election results also showed liberals, the, emerging as the third major party with 15 seats. For the first time in the history of the country, Sharif allowed foreign money exchange to be transacted through private money exchangers. While internationally acclaimed, his policies were condemned by the. Mounted pressure on President Ghulam Ishaq Khan, who dismissed the IDA government on 18 April 1993. The PML-N moved the and it restored its government and Sharif hold the office on 26 May. The and the military leadership negotiated with Nawaz Sharif to step down.

Culminated at the resignation of Nawaz Sharif, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan was also removed from the Presidency. 1993 elections and opposition. Main article: The PML-N gained national prominence in the and occupied 73 seats in the state parliament. The PML(N) asserted its role as opposition to the Pakistan Peoples Party. The PML(N) Benazir Bhutto with corruption, stagnation, and endangering the national security. The also suffered with its internal faction, one of the faction led. The controversial murder of by and the pressure on MQM further weakened Benazir Bhutto.

The PML(N) and Sharif himself were shocked when they learned the news of Benazir Bhutto's dismissal. An ironic aspect of this dismissal was that it was prompted by the then-President, a trusted lieutenant of Benazir, who sent her to the Presidency as a safeguard for the PPP’s government after the office was vacated by Ghulam Ishaq Khan. During that movement, Nawaz Sharif travelled through the length and breadth of Pakistan. He also embarked on a train march from Lahore to Peshawar as part of his campaign to oust Benazir. During this time, the party was among closest to the, and the, had close ties and influence in Pakistan Armed Forces' appointments and their military strategies.

1997 elections and power politics. The first PML-N Prime Minister. The Pakistan Muslim League (N) struck its remarkable, biggest, and most notable achievement in, held on 3 February 1997. After securing the in the, the only political party to have gained a two-thirds majority since the independence of the country in 1947, roughly fifty years past independence. During this time, it was the largest conservative party, with its members occupying 137 seats out of 207, roughly 66.2%.

In 1997, the party secured its win with an overwhelming mandate, and absolutely light and slight opposition. On 18 February 1997, when Nawaz Sharif obtained a vote of confidence, the Pakistan Muslim League assumed the government of Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif allowed Benazir Bhutto to hold the office of, though the PML(N) had the control of the state parliament. The PML(N) government passed the and the to the to stabilizee its mandate and strengthen its position.

In 1998, the law and order situation came under the PML-N's control and economic recovery was also secured. A number of constitutional amendments were made to make the country a parliamentary democracy.

In May 1998, the PML-N government led by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ordered six nuclear tests, in response to Indian nuclear tests. The tests were extremely popular and PML-N's image and prestige rose to a record level. However, in 1998, the PML-N government effectively dismissed general (see ) that ruined its public ratings, but marked a perception of the civilian control of the military. Its power politics and repeated dismissals of the military leadership soured its relations with and its public ratings gradually went down.

Despite its heavy public mandate, serious disagreements appeared within the party. The took place to end PML-N's government. Controversially, in 1999, the party was significantly divided, further affecting Nawaz Sharif's trial in.

No massive protests were held by the party; its leaders remained silent and remained supportive towards the military action against Nawaz Sharif. In 2001, the party was further divided by factionalism. Dissenters formed the, later called (or PML-Q), which became allies of then president.

In 2001, Muslim League (Nawaz) formally adopted the name of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), also known as PML(N). 2002 general elections.

Presided the party from 2001–05. As a result of the with, the PML(N) government had generated frustration within the party and a secret inside the party united on a one-point agenda with all the opposition parties in 1999 to remove Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from office. This resulted in a. The Supreme Court validated the coup and gave General Pervez Musharraf three years to hold general elections. After deposing Sharif's government, the party split into several groups and its size shrunk as many of its members decided to defect to the splinter political bloc. Many of its most influential members, sponsors, financiers, came to defect to the new group that was sympathetic to. This splinter group emerged as the, which registered itself as a political party with the name.

Sharif was removed from the Party's presidency and the position was handed over to Dr., wife of Sharif. With Sharif exiled to, the party's presidency was handed over to and the party began to reassert itself in the coming elections. The party campaigned all over the country and competed in the for the state parliament. The election polls announced the victory of the and the liberals, with PML(Q) retaining the majority in the state parliament and brutally defeating the PML(N). A mass rally of PML(N) in Punjab in support of Nawaz Sharif. During, the PML-N performed poorly, only winning 9.4% of the popular vote and 14 out of 272 elected members, the worst defeat since its inception in 1988. Hashmi was removed from the party's presidency after his controversial remarks towards the.

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In an indirect party election, was elected as the party's new president; and the party's leadership was now based in London. In 2006, the party signed the cooperative declaration with its rival to outline and promote a new democratic culture in the country. Known as the, the charter was signed by Nawaz Sharif and in London and announced their opposition to Musharraf and. In the, the party won urban votes and dominated the of.

The party secured a total of 91 seats in the, just second to the, which won 121 seats, and the parties agreed on forming a coalition government. The PML(N) successfully called for of President and ousted Musharraf from the presidency and exiled him to United States in 2008.

But the coalition could not run for too long when Nawaz Sharif announced to support and lead the to restore the famed in 2008. In 2011, the PML-N established its branch in to participate in Kashmir's general elections.

2008 parliamentary election. The senior and integral party leadership meeting with US Secretary of State and in 2009 After returning to Pakistan, the PML (N) contested the 2008 general election, demanding a restoration of the judges sacked under the emergency rule placed by President and removal of Musharraf as President. After the assassination of, Sharif announced that the PML (N) would boycott the polls, but after some time and conversations with the co-chairman of the PPP, Nawaz announced that the party would contest in the polls and began to rally in the areas. On 18 February 2008, after the polls were closed and the results had been announced, the PML-N gained 68 seats in the National Assembly, just behind the PPP. They announced that they would have discussions on forming a coalition with the PPP which would have half the seats in the 342 seat Parliament. In a press conference on 19 February, Nawaz called for President Pervez Musharraf to step down. Nawaz and Zardari agreed on forming a coalition, and Nawaz announced that he and his party gave the PPP the right to choose the next Prime Minister.

The PML-N is the largest conservative opposition party (darker green in right) in the. On 13 May 2008, the PML (N) ministers resigned from the government due to a disagreement related to the reinstatement of the judges. Nawaz said that the PML (N) would support the government without participating in it. Zardari, hoping to preserve the coalition, told Prime Minister to reject the resignations. The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the (PPP) on 27 June 2008, won three and two by-election seats, respectively, to the national parliament. Polls were postponed for the sixth seat in due to 's eligibility contest.

A court ruled he was ineligible due to an old conviction, amid a government appeal in the Supreme Court, which will hear the case on 30 June, thus postponing the vote in the constituency. The two parties also won 19 of 23 provincial assembly seats where by-elections were held. The results will not affect the 18 February general election results in which 's PPP won 123 seats in the 342-seat National Assembly and Sharif's party came second with 91, while 's party came a poor third with 54 seats. Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) won eight provincial assembly seats, while the PPP won seven provincial seats. On 25 August 2008, announced that would be Pakistan Muslim League (N) nominee to replace as. 2013 general elections During its election campaign for the, the party compete against its arch-rival and another right-wing party,. In an unofficial counting, the party has secured the in the, the and; it is yet the only party to have secured respectable seats and representation on provisional assemblies of and The leader of PMLN, became for the third time Prime Minister of for the first time in the history of the country.

Electoral history and performance of Pakistan Muslim League since 1985 General elections Voting percentile% Voting turnout Seating graph Presiding chair of the party position 46.4% –. In Opposition Structural composition Party leadership Officiate/Party office Party bearer Yaqub Khan Raja Muhammad Rizwan (Vice President Gujrat) Saleem Zia Salah-ud-din Tirmizi ( retd.) Secretary Finance Information Secretary Deputy Secretary Information Joint Secretary Abdul Sattar Mandokhel Central Working Committee (Notable activists) Executive Members Azad Ali Tabassum Ex-officios The General Council Meeting (or Central Working Committee) served its major platform to elect presidents and secretaries while it is also responsible for promoting PML-N activities.

The GCM's meetings are generally held in in. Nawaz Sharif was elected the in 2011. The General Council Meeting raises funds, and coordinates campaign strategy while there are local committees every and most large cities, counties and legislative districts, but they have far less money and influence than the national body. The Central Secretariat and the Parliament Lodges of play important roles in recruiting strong state candidates. Nawaz sharif is accused of corruption and involved in smuggling heavy amount of money outside the country and recently has been nominated by to be involved in hiding the black money in offshore accounts and companies. Ideology and political positions.

In 1997, the PML(N) built the largest and notable, known as. Pakistan Muslim League (N) includes the, and most importantly, the and. During its years, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) emphasised the role of and individual achievement as the primary factors behind economic prosperity, deregulation of all segments of economic order, and strong base of capitalism. In 1991, the PML-N's government established the followed by inaugurating the in 1997. The Pakistan Muslim League-N generally opposed the labour union managements and large scale worker's union.

The Party believes in that 'prosperous agriculture is the backbone of national prosperity and diversification of the rural economy by expanding non-farm rural employment is critical for the alleviation of poverty'. During its federal government, the PML-N successfully privatised the major heavy industries under its Planned industrial development programme. Environmental policies. A national reserve park in, established by PML(N). In 1997, the was established by PML-N's government and its was one of the most notable ministry to protect the national conservation and forestry in the country.

In 1997, the environmental were regularly announced paid by the government to enhance and promote the environmental awareness in public. However, its environmental policies remained a subject of on-going controversies, often criticise for ignoring the health and environmental policies despite its party declaration.

The PML-N's in came under intense media, opposition, and public anger after failing to counter the due to its lack of apathy and inadequate steps and seriousness to enforce environmental awareness and regulations. In recent, the prestige of PML-N's also suffered after the government's and failed to properly scanned the quality of medicines, resulting in major counterfeit and environmental crises that put party's environmental and health policies in great doubts. Science and politics The Pakistan Muslim League (N) credited for ordering and authorizing the country's first nuclear tests (see and ) amid immense international pressure. It is also responsible for establishing the as part of its science and technology strategy.

With its inverse force, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) is also responsible for enhancing the, and the expansion, first establishing the, expansion as part of its nuclear policy. Foreign policy issues. Main article: The party has been long advocated for broader and stronger with, and, and. In 1999, the party's government successfully signed the with India.

The Pakistan Muslim League-N remains sceptical about, although it is firmly opposed to religious extremism and terrorism in all its manifestations. While it remains a strong supporter of the United States' financial and fiscal policies, but on the other hand, it remains undecided about the military operations on its western fronts to curb down militancy, with many PML-N's intellectuals regarding the War on terror as a campaign against Islam. During its previous tenure from 1997 to 1999, the PML(N) government took a series of measures to control terrorist groups by establishing the.

The PML-N's leadership remains an avid supporter of, and numerous times, it had made it clear that the party will 'never compromise this long standing position on Kashmir dispute'. Party presidency List of Order Image Presidents Year Rationale 1 1993–1999 First term 2 1999–2001 First term 3 2001-2005 First term 4 2005–2009 First term 5 2009–2010 First term (3) 2010-2011 Second term (1) 2011–2017 Second term (5) 2017 First term (1) 2017–2018 Third term (5) 2018–present Second term Controversy Since its inception, the party has been involved in major controversies some of which are listed below Rise to power with help from military establishment PML-N's head Nawaz Sharif rise to power is attributed to funding and backing from and military establishment.

Ex DG ISI Hameed Gul accepted that he formed in order to counter the power of. Operation Clean-up. Main article: Nawaz Sharif during his tenure as prime minister (1990-1992), launched a against his own allies in government, MQM for allegations against. Later the ISPR denied any knowledge of jinnahpur conspiracy and maps, which were highly publicized in the media prior to operation launch.

Thousands of MQM activists were killed, its leadership arrested and its head had move to exile in UK. Operation 1998 As prime minister, Nawaz Sharif again launched operation against MQM who were again in alliance in Sharif's government on accusation of assassinating. Due to MQM's militant activities and sectarian killings in Karachi, Nawaz Sharif was forced to end the alliance with MQM for the benefit of the nation.

An elected PMLN Sindh government in alliance with MQM was dismissed and governor rule was imposed. The operation started new blood shed era in and many party leaders of MQM were arrested. (MQM second in command at that time) was forced to flee Pakistan and took political asylum in the UK. Fasih Jugu who was accused in assassination was tortured to death by the Law enforcement. The operation resulted is a major unrest in the city as the PMLN government tried to get a hold of the criminal elements ravaging the city of Karachi.


This was one of the prime excuses the military conjured up for illegally ousting Nawaz Sharif's government in 1999 through martial law. Plane hijacking In 1999, Nawaz Sharif was allegedly involved in hijacking plane of chief of army staff Pervez Musharraf when he was to land at Karachi airport and the control tower ordered the plane not to land in Pakistan but India instead.

However, Musharraf and his loyalists had been planning a coup for months and some versions of the story claim that Musharraf orchestrated the coup from the plane and the military didn't allow the plane to land until Musharraf was assured that the military was in control of the airport. The Military forced the courts to convict Sharif and sentence him to life imprisonment in 2000. General Musharraf had initially decided to hang Nawaz Sharif but under the pressure of the President of United States, Bill Clinton and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, he decided not to go through with it. In 2010 The Supreme court of Pakistan overturned his conviction making him eligible to run for power again. Allegations of corruption PMLN has been accused of corruption in revolutionary economic schemes like yellow cab scheme, The National Debt Retirement Programme (NDRP), sasti roti scheme, nandipur project. The charges turned out to be nothing more than accusations by rival political parties to mislead the public. More recently, an international newspaper published naming Sharif's sons as among people who created offshore companies.

Nawaz Sharif is accused of using corruption money to grow his assets in his business ventures and though nothing presented in the court so far substantiates these charges. Panama papers case and its implications.

This section does not any. Unsourced material may be challenged and. (February 2018) Nawaz Sharif and some of his family members were cited for money laundry and graft charges on 10 July 2017 by a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) formed by the Supreme Court which included Military Intelligence officers. The JIT and Supreme court in league with the military have been found to be biased against Nawaz Sharif, his family and his party, PMLN, as the party is currently fighting for democratic supremacy. The Judicial - Military Complex hence set its task to punish Nawaz Sharif for it by any means necessary. The JIT presented circumstantial and sometimes downright incorrect and unverified evidence against the Sharif family which was accepted without questioning. A subsequent ruling by the Supreme Court of Pakistan announced on 28 July 2017 disqualified party leader and then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from holding public office for life on a mere technicality unrelated to the charges in question.

This verdict was widely seen by the people of Pakistan as a desecration of their right to choose their leaders. Nawaz Sharif and his party then redoubled their efforts for democratic supremacy against the Military Junta. People have rallied behind Nawaz Sharif's ideology as he educates people that their right is not only to vote but they have a right to defend that vote and they should question anyone who prevents them from doing so. It has resulted in people openly criticizing military's interference in civilian affairs and heavily tilted the public opinion against the military. As a reaction, military has resorted to violence as it has in the past, physically assaulting unbiased journalists and harassing others to prevent heavy anti Military public opinion from getting publicity. They also resorted to illegally shutting down unbiased television channels and protecting pro military channels from getting shut down for promoting a pro military agenda of depicting politicians as corrupt and unreliable in the name of journalism, either by threatening local cable service providers or by threatening PEMRA, the legal body for monitoring electronic media in the country. The crisis between the people of Pakistan and the military trying to maintain its stranglehold on its people is still an ongoing dilemma.

Allegations of treachery Nawaz Sharif gave an interview to Dawn News on 12 May 2018 in which he said that non state actors from Pakistan were involved in the Mumbai terrorist attack in 2008. A spokesman for Sharif said that Indian media had twisted his statement to make it seem like Sharif said that the state of Pakistan endorsed and was directly involved in the attacks. A National Security Council meeting was called by the Pakistan Army which declared the allegations were based on lies and misconception without specifically naming Sharif. See also. Bibliography. Dixit, J.N. India-Pakistan in War and Peace.

New York, U.S.: Routledge. Jalal, Ayesha (2014). The struggle for Pakistan: A Muslim homeland and global politics. Harvard, United States: Harvard University Press. Akbar, M.K. Pakistan from Jinnah to Sharif. New Delhi: Mittal Publications.

Ahmed, Akbar (2005). Jinnah, Pakistan, and Islamic Identitiy: A search for Saladin. Majumdar, edited by R. Pakistan: Jinnah to the present day (1st ed.). New Delhi: Anmol Publications.

CS1 maint: Extra text: authors list References. Bhatti, Haseeb. From the original on 21 February 2018. Retrieved 21 February 2018.

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From the original on 2 November 2012. Retrieved 23 February 2012. ^ Rahman, Syedur (2010). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. Retrieved 10 March 2015. PML-N Official. Archived from on 19 January 2013.

Wilder, Andrew R. '2002 General elections'. (google books). Pakistan on the Brink: Politics, Economics, and Society. Lanham MD, Oxford: Lexington Books.

Retrieved 12 August 2012. PML-N Official. Archived from on 19 January 2013.

^ Samad, Abdus. From the original on 9 June 2013. Retrieved 6 August 2012. ^ Editorial. September 24, 2008. The Economist.

From the original on 15 October 2015. Retrieved 23 February 2012. (Subscription required ( help)). ^ Story of Pakistan. Story of Pakistan (Pakistan Muslim League (N)).

From the original on 20 September 2016. From the original on 31 December 2007.

Retrieved 22 February 2008. Haider, Zeeshan (16 May 2008). From the original on 15 September 2016. From the original on 16 March 2012. Retrieved 17 March 2012. From the original on 10 January 2009. Retrieved 17 March 2012.

27 June 2008. Archived from on 18 September 2013. Retrieved 17 March 2012. From the original on 30 October 2009. Retrieved 17 March 2012. PMLN's Central Committee. Archived from on 5 May 2015.

Retrieved 2 April 2015. ^ Anis, Mohammad (28 July 2011). News International, Anis. News International. From the original on 2 April 2015.

Retrieved 2 April 2015. 27 July 2011. From the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 2 April 2015.

It was the South Koreans who immediately Trump’s impulsive “yes” answer at the very entrance to the West Wing, thus effectively locking the door behind the president before he understood the full implications of what he had done—and before he could be dissuaded by his staff and secretary of state. Love lies download.

ABC news Australia. 4 April 2016. From the original on 9 August 2016. 21 April 2016. From the original on 14 January 2017. New York Times.

14 April 2016. From the original on 18 April 2016.

PML-N Official. Archived from on 11 September 2016. PML-N Official. Archived from on 11 September 2016. PML-N Official. Archived from on 11 September 2016. PML-N Official.

Archived from on 11 September 2016. 30 October 2012. From the original on 4 January 2017.

Retrieved 4 January 2017. From the original on 4 January 2017.

Retrieved 4 January 2017. The Independent.

Retrieved 2018-06-11. Press, Associated (17 July 2009). The Guardian. From the original on 4 January 2017. Retrieved 4 January 2017. Dutt, Barkha (2017-07-30). Washington Post.

Retrieved 2018-06-11. Retrieved 2018-06-11. Retrieved 2018-06-11. Retrieved 2018-06-11. The Irish Times. Retrieved 2018-06-11. Daily News (2017-05-08), retrieved 2018-06-11.

Retrieved 2018-06-11. Hussain, Dawn.com Sanaullah Khan Javed (2018-05-14). Retrieved 2018-06-11. External links This article contains. Without proper, you may see unjoined letters running left to right or other symbols instead of. Wikimedia Commons has media related to.

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. The Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) (: پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن)‬‎ abbr. PML-N) is a party in. The party was recently in power until the appointment of an Interim Government led by for the. It was led by the thrice-elected, until he was disqualified on the contempt of in 2017.

The is generally, which involves supporting, opposing military power, supporting democratic ideals, and being generally anti-censorship on an online and wilderness platform. One of of the original, the seeds of party were sown following the when the organised the supporters of Dictatorship into a single party, known as. After in 1988, under the leadership of, a large faction split away from the, and formed a alliance with various and political parties, called the. The alliance formed a government in under the leadership of. In 1993, the alliance dissolved and the party assumed its current shape, branding itself as the 'Nawaz' faction of Pakistan Muslim League after its Leader in contrast to the ' ' faction. Since its foundation by General Zia ul Haq, PML-N along with the, dominated the.

However, after the, the party was eclipsed by its own splinter faction, the - backed, for almost a decade. PML-N however regained popularity in, when it was elected as the principal opposition party. It returned to power following the, with elected as the Prime Minister for an unprecedented third term. The party's stronghold is the; where it has formed provincial government six times since 1985, thrice under Sharif's brother.

Main articles:;;;;;;; and Upon the creation of and departure of the in 1947, the (AIML) became the, which was now led. After the of, the struggled to revive itself, eventually losing control of the in by the. Internal disagreement over party's direction, lack of political program, motivation for public reforms, and inadequate administrative preparations and mismanagement; all led to the public decline of the party. With the, the struggled for its survival while facing the and. The in 1958 eventually outlawed the in the country. The foundational stone and ground base of the PML(N) lies with the was founded in 1962, as an enriched conservative project derived from the defunct.

The was presided by who actively participated in held in 1965 against. After 's death, the PML was presided by, a, who deepened its role in. On a and, the party engaged in against and, in held in. It managed to secure only two electoral seats in the and only ten in of. In spite of its limited, became the and of Pakistan— the only figure to have appointed as. The PML government was short-lived and soon its government fell as an aftermath of the. The PML(N) is ideologically close to the and holds common beliefs on.

The list below shows the well-known breakaway factions and their relationships with the military, although many minor factions existed throughout the history: — Party conventions Year Relationship comparison and notes Founders PML(N) 1988 Pro-, , and pro- until. 1988 Pro-Junejo 2002 pro-, Pro-, 1973 Pro-2012 Pro- 2001 Pro-, pro-, 2008 Pro-, pro- 2010, Pro-, pro- 1995, Pro-, anti- Party conventions Year Relationship comparison and notes Current 1906 Devolved into, legal personality is presently continue and bestowed by the PML(N) No. 1962 Large part of the party led by the PML(N), other parts of the party are divided into smaller factions Yes 1965 Merged with PML(N) No 1967 Merged with PML(N) No 1970 Merged with PML(N) No Electoral history. Young League Worker The went into a political abyss after the death of and during the first government of the Prime Minister. It made a strong comeback in response to the of in the 1970s.

Influential young activists, including, and, ascended as the leaders of the party and started their political career through the Muslim League. The party became an integral part of the nine-party alliance, against the and campaigned against the PPP in the.

The party campaigned on a right-wing platform and raised conservative slogans in the 1977 general elections. The party, including Sharif and Hussain, were a conglomerate of diverse views and had provided large capital for Muslim League's financial expenses. It was at that time the party was revived and joined the anti-Bhutto PNA with, an influential Sindhi conservative figure, as its elected president. After the in 1977, the party reassessed itself; seeing the rise of powerful oligarch bloc, led by who was the main PML leaders. After the, President Zia-ul-Haq had become country's elected president.

During the, a new PML(N) emerged on the country's political scene. The party had supported the presidency of and won his support to appoint to the office of Prime Minister. Had won the favour and support of President Zia-ul-Haq and approved his appointment as of the in 1985. 1988 general elections. Main articles: and Its modern history started in when the Pakistan Muslim League, led by former prime minister, split into two factions: one was led by and the then of, and the other by (who later founded ). In 1988, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) was founded and established by, an original, who became the party's founding president, whilst Nawaz Sharif became its first secretary-general. The party is not the original, but is accepted as a continuing legal successor of the.

At the time of 1988 elections, the PML was part of the eight-party (IDA) which had contained the right-wing conservative mass as one entity against the left-wing circles, led by (PPP). The general elections in 1988 marked the emergence of the Pakistan Peoples Party's as the single largest party, with its election to 94 of 237 seats in the. The IDA occupied 55 seats, but an influential leader, chose to serve the of. With elevating as the, the IDA nominated as a compromise candidate in the state parliament. Within 20 months, tales of bad governance and corruption plagued the Pakistan Peoples Party's government. Finally, in 1990, charged the PPP government with corruption and lack of governance and dismissed the National Assembly and the first Bhutto government.

1990 general elections. Main article: The PML(N) was still part of the (IDA) and participated, under the leadership of, in the. The IDA competed against the leftist alliance, known as People’s Democratic Alliance (PDA), which had contained the and the.

The elections resulted in the victory of IDA, with becoming Prime Minister. Through IDA, the conservative forces under Sharif had a chance to form a national government for the first time in the of Pakistan. With Sharif taking office, his ascendancy also marked a transition in the political culture of Pakistan – a power shift from control by the traditional feudal aristocracy to the growing class of modern and moderate entrepreneurs. For the first time, Sharif launched the and policy measures, and Sharif's economics team actually implemented some of the serious economic liberalisation and privatisation measures previous governments had merely talked about.

Election results also showed liberals, the, emerging as the third major party with 15 seats. For the first time in the history of the country, Sharif allowed foreign money exchange to be transacted through private money exchangers. While internationally acclaimed, his policies were condemned by the. Mounted pressure on President Ghulam Ishaq Khan, who dismissed the IDA government on 18 April 1993. The PML-N moved the and it restored its government and Sharif hold the office on 26 May. The and the military leadership negotiated with Nawaz Sharif to step down.

Culminated at the resignation of Nawaz Sharif, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan was also removed from the Presidency. 1993 elections and opposition. Main article: The PML-N gained national prominence in the and occupied 73 seats in the state parliament. The PML(N) asserted its role as opposition to the Pakistan Peoples Party. The PML(N) Benazir Bhutto with corruption, stagnation, and endangering the national security. The also suffered with its internal faction, one of the faction led. The controversial murder of by and the pressure on MQM further weakened Benazir Bhutto.

The PML(N) and Sharif himself were shocked when they learned the news of Benazir Bhutto's dismissal. An ironic aspect of this dismissal was that it was prompted by the then-President, a trusted lieutenant of Benazir, who sent her to the Presidency as a safeguard for the PPP’s government after the office was vacated by Ghulam Ishaq Khan. During that movement, Nawaz Sharif travelled through the length and breadth of Pakistan. He also embarked on a train march from Lahore to Peshawar as part of his campaign to oust Benazir. During this time, the party was among closest to the, and the, had close ties and influence in Pakistan Armed Forces' appointments and their military strategies.

1997 elections and power politics. The first PML-N Prime Minister. The Pakistan Muslim League (N) struck its remarkable, biggest, and most notable achievement in, held on 3 February 1997. After securing the in the, the only political party to have gained a two-thirds majority since the independence of the country in 1947, roughly fifty years past independence. During this time, it was the largest conservative party, with its members occupying 137 seats out of 207, roughly 66.2%.

In 1997, the party secured its win with an overwhelming mandate, and absolutely light and slight opposition. On 18 February 1997, when Nawaz Sharif obtained a vote of confidence, the Pakistan Muslim League assumed the government of Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif allowed Benazir Bhutto to hold the office of, though the PML(N) had the control of the state parliament. The PML(N) government passed the and the to the to stabilizee its mandate and strengthen its position.

In 1998, the law and order situation came under the PML-N's control and economic recovery was also secured. A number of constitutional amendments were made to make the country a parliamentary democracy.

In May 1998, the PML-N government led by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ordered six nuclear tests, in response to Indian nuclear tests. The tests were extremely popular and PML-N's image and prestige rose to a record level. However, in 1998, the PML-N government effectively dismissed general (see ) that ruined its public ratings, but marked a perception of the civilian control of the military. Its power politics and repeated dismissals of the military leadership soured its relations with and its public ratings gradually went down.

Despite its heavy public mandate, serious disagreements appeared within the party. The took place to end PML-N's government. Controversially, in 1999, the party was significantly divided, further affecting Nawaz Sharif's trial in.

No massive protests were held by the party; its leaders remained silent and remained supportive towards the military action against Nawaz Sharif. In 2001, the party was further divided by factionalism. Dissenters formed the, later called (or PML-Q), which became allies of then president.

In 2001, Muslim League (Nawaz) formally adopted the name of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), also known as PML(N). 2002 general elections.

Presided the party from 2001–05. As a result of the with, the PML(N) government had generated frustration within the party and a secret inside the party united on a one-point agenda with all the opposition parties in 1999 to remove Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from office. This resulted in a. The Supreme Court validated the coup and gave General Pervez Musharraf three years to hold general elections. After deposing Sharif's government, the party split into several groups and its size shrunk as many of its members decided to defect to the splinter political bloc. Many of its most influential members, sponsors, financiers, came to defect to the new group that was sympathetic to. This splinter group emerged as the, which registered itself as a political party with the name.

Sharif was removed from the Party's presidency and the position was handed over to Dr., wife of Sharif. With Sharif exiled to, the party's presidency was handed over to and the party began to reassert itself in the coming elections. The party campaigned all over the country and competed in the for the state parliament. The election polls announced the victory of the and the liberals, with PML(Q) retaining the majority in the state parliament and brutally defeating the PML(N). A mass rally of PML(N) in Punjab in support of Nawaz Sharif. During, the PML-N performed poorly, only winning 9.4% of the popular vote and 14 out of 272 elected members, the worst defeat since its inception in 1988. Hashmi was removed from the party's presidency after his controversial remarks towards the.

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In an indirect party election, was elected as the party's new president; and the party's leadership was now based in London. In 2006, the party signed the cooperative declaration with its rival to outline and promote a new democratic culture in the country. Known as the, the charter was signed by Nawaz Sharif and in London and announced their opposition to Musharraf and. In the, the party won urban votes and dominated the of.

The party secured a total of 91 seats in the, just second to the, which won 121 seats, and the parties agreed on forming a coalition government. The PML(N) successfully called for of President and ousted Musharraf from the presidency and exiled him to United States in 2008.

But the coalition could not run for too long when Nawaz Sharif announced to support and lead the to restore the famed in 2008. In 2011, the PML-N established its branch in to participate in Kashmir's general elections.

2008 parliamentary election. The senior and integral party leadership meeting with US Secretary of State and in 2009 After returning to Pakistan, the PML (N) contested the 2008 general election, demanding a restoration of the judges sacked under the emergency rule placed by President and removal of Musharraf as President. After the assassination of, Sharif announced that the PML (N) would boycott the polls, but after some time and conversations with the co-chairman of the PPP, Nawaz announced that the party would contest in the polls and began to rally in the areas. On 18 February 2008, after the polls were closed and the results had been announced, the PML-N gained 68 seats in the National Assembly, just behind the PPP. They announced that they would have discussions on forming a coalition with the PPP which would have half the seats in the 342 seat Parliament. In a press conference on 19 February, Nawaz called for President Pervez Musharraf to step down. Nawaz and Zardari agreed on forming a coalition, and Nawaz announced that he and his party gave the PPP the right to choose the next Prime Minister.

The PML-N is the largest conservative opposition party (darker green in right) in the. On 13 May 2008, the PML (N) ministers resigned from the government due to a disagreement related to the reinstatement of the judges. Nawaz said that the PML (N) would support the government without participating in it. Zardari, hoping to preserve the coalition, told Prime Minister to reject the resignations. The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the (PPP) on 27 June 2008, won three and two by-election seats, respectively, to the national parliament. Polls were postponed for the sixth seat in due to 's eligibility contest.

A court ruled he was ineligible due to an old conviction, amid a government appeal in the Supreme Court, which will hear the case on 30 June, thus postponing the vote in the constituency. The two parties also won 19 of 23 provincial assembly seats where by-elections were held. The results will not affect the 18 February general election results in which 's PPP won 123 seats in the 342-seat National Assembly and Sharif's party came second with 91, while 's party came a poor third with 54 seats. Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) won eight provincial assembly seats, while the PPP won seven provincial seats. On 25 August 2008, announced that would be Pakistan Muslim League (N) nominee to replace as. 2013 general elections During its election campaign for the, the party compete against its arch-rival and another right-wing party,. In an unofficial counting, the party has secured the in the, the and; it is yet the only party to have secured respectable seats and representation on provisional assemblies of and The leader of PMLN, became for the third time Prime Minister of for the first time in the history of the country.

Electoral history and performance of Pakistan Muslim League since 1985 General elections Voting percentile% Voting turnout Seating graph Presiding chair of the party position 46.4% –. In Opposition Structural composition Party leadership Officiate/Party office Party bearer Yaqub Khan Raja Muhammad Rizwan (Vice President Gujrat) Saleem Zia Salah-ud-din Tirmizi ( retd.) Secretary Finance Information Secretary Deputy Secretary Information Joint Secretary Abdul Sattar Mandokhel Central Working Committee (Notable activists) Executive Members Azad Ali Tabassum Ex-officios The General Council Meeting (or Central Working Committee) served its major platform to elect presidents and secretaries while it is also responsible for promoting PML-N activities.

The GCM's meetings are generally held in in. Nawaz Sharif was elected the in 2011. The General Council Meeting raises funds, and coordinates campaign strategy while there are local committees every and most large cities, counties and legislative districts, but they have far less money and influence than the national body. The Central Secretariat and the Parliament Lodges of play important roles in recruiting strong state candidates. Nawaz sharif is accused of corruption and involved in smuggling heavy amount of money outside the country and recently has been nominated by to be involved in hiding the black money in offshore accounts and companies. Ideology and political positions.

In 1997, the PML(N) built the largest and notable, known as. Pakistan Muslim League (N) includes the, and most importantly, the and. During its years, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) emphasised the role of and individual achievement as the primary factors behind economic prosperity, deregulation of all segments of economic order, and strong base of capitalism. In 1991, the PML-N's government established the followed by inaugurating the in 1997. The Pakistan Muslim League-N generally opposed the labour union managements and large scale worker's union.

The Party believes in that 'prosperous agriculture is the backbone of national prosperity and diversification of the rural economy by expanding non-farm rural employment is critical for the alleviation of poverty'. During its federal government, the PML-N successfully privatised the major heavy industries under its Planned industrial development programme. Environmental policies. A national reserve park in, established by PML(N). In 1997, the was established by PML-N's government and its was one of the most notable ministry to protect the national conservation and forestry in the country.

In 1997, the environmental were regularly announced paid by the government to enhance and promote the environmental awareness in public. However, its environmental policies remained a subject of on-going controversies, often criticise for ignoring the health and environmental policies despite its party declaration.

The PML-N's in came under intense media, opposition, and public anger after failing to counter the due to its lack of apathy and inadequate steps and seriousness to enforce environmental awareness and regulations. In recent, the prestige of PML-N's also suffered after the government's and failed to properly scanned the quality of medicines, resulting in major counterfeit and environmental crises that put party's environmental and health policies in great doubts. Science and politics The Pakistan Muslim League (N) credited for ordering and authorizing the country's first nuclear tests (see and ) amid immense international pressure. It is also responsible for establishing the as part of its science and technology strategy.

With its inverse force, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) is also responsible for enhancing the, and the expansion, first establishing the, expansion as part of its nuclear policy. Foreign policy issues. Main article: The party has been long advocated for broader and stronger with, and, and. In 1999, the party's government successfully signed the with India.

The Pakistan Muslim League-N remains sceptical about, although it is firmly opposed to religious extremism and terrorism in all its manifestations. While it remains a strong supporter of the United States' financial and fiscal policies, but on the other hand, it remains undecided about the military operations on its western fronts to curb down militancy, with many PML-N's intellectuals regarding the War on terror as a campaign against Islam. During its previous tenure from 1997 to 1999, the PML(N) government took a series of measures to control terrorist groups by establishing the.

The PML-N's leadership remains an avid supporter of, and numerous times, it had made it clear that the party will 'never compromise this long standing position on Kashmir dispute'. Party presidency List of Order Image Presidents Year Rationale 1 1993–1999 First term 2 1999–2001 First term 3 2001-2005 First term 4 2005–2009 First term 5 2009–2010 First term (3) 2010-2011 Second term (1) 2011–2017 Second term (5) 2017 First term (1) 2017–2018 Third term (5) 2018–present Second term Controversy Since its inception, the party has been involved in major controversies some of which are listed below Rise to power with help from military establishment PML-N's head Nawaz Sharif rise to power is attributed to funding and backing from and military establishment.

Ex DG ISI Hameed Gul accepted that he formed in order to counter the power of. Operation Clean-up. Main article: Nawaz Sharif during his tenure as prime minister (1990-1992), launched a against his own allies in government, MQM for allegations against. Later the ISPR denied any knowledge of jinnahpur conspiracy and maps, which were highly publicized in the media prior to operation launch.

Thousands of MQM activists were killed, its leadership arrested and its head had move to exile in UK. Operation 1998 As prime minister, Nawaz Sharif again launched operation against MQM who were again in alliance in Sharif's government on accusation of assassinating. Due to MQM's militant activities and sectarian killings in Karachi, Nawaz Sharif was forced to end the alliance with MQM for the benefit of the nation.

An elected PMLN Sindh government in alliance with MQM was dismissed and governor rule was imposed. The operation started new blood shed era in and many party leaders of MQM were arrested. (MQM second in command at that time) was forced to flee Pakistan and took political asylum in the UK. Fasih Jugu who was accused in assassination was tortured to death by the Law enforcement. The operation resulted is a major unrest in the city as the PMLN government tried to get a hold of the criminal elements ravaging the city of Karachi.


This was one of the prime excuses the military conjured up for illegally ousting Nawaz Sharif's government in 1999 through martial law. Plane hijacking In 1999, Nawaz Sharif was allegedly involved in hijacking plane of chief of army staff Pervez Musharraf when he was to land at Karachi airport and the control tower ordered the plane not to land in Pakistan but India instead.

However, Musharraf and his loyalists had been planning a coup for months and some versions of the story claim that Musharraf orchestrated the coup from the plane and the military didn't allow the plane to land until Musharraf was assured that the military was in control of the airport. The Military forced the courts to convict Sharif and sentence him to life imprisonment in 2000. General Musharraf had initially decided to hang Nawaz Sharif but under the pressure of the President of United States, Bill Clinton and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, he decided not to go through with it. In 2010 The Supreme court of Pakistan overturned his conviction making him eligible to run for power again. Allegations of corruption PMLN has been accused of corruption in revolutionary economic schemes like yellow cab scheme, The National Debt Retirement Programme (NDRP), sasti roti scheme, nandipur project. The charges turned out to be nothing more than accusations by rival political parties to mislead the public. More recently, an international newspaper published naming Sharif's sons as among people who created offshore companies.

Nawaz Sharif is accused of using corruption money to grow his assets in his business ventures and though nothing presented in the court so far substantiates these charges. Panama papers case and its implications.

This section does not any. Unsourced material may be challenged and. (February 2018) Nawaz Sharif and some of his family members were cited for money laundry and graft charges on 10 July 2017 by a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) formed by the Supreme Court which included Military Intelligence officers. The JIT and Supreme court in league with the military have been found to be biased against Nawaz Sharif, his family and his party, PMLN, as the party is currently fighting for democratic supremacy. The Judicial - Military Complex hence set its task to punish Nawaz Sharif for it by any means necessary. The JIT presented circumstantial and sometimes downright incorrect and unverified evidence against the Sharif family which was accepted without questioning. A subsequent ruling by the Supreme Court of Pakistan announced on 28 July 2017 disqualified party leader and then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from holding public office for life on a mere technicality unrelated to the charges in question.

This verdict was widely seen by the people of Pakistan as a desecration of their right to choose their leaders. Nawaz Sharif and his party then redoubled their efforts for democratic supremacy against the Military Junta. People have rallied behind Nawaz Sharif's ideology as he educates people that their right is not only to vote but they have a right to defend that vote and they should question anyone who prevents them from doing so. It has resulted in people openly criticizing military's interference in civilian affairs and heavily tilted the public opinion against the military. As a reaction, military has resorted to violence as it has in the past, physically assaulting unbiased journalists and harassing others to prevent heavy anti Military public opinion from getting publicity. They also resorted to illegally shutting down unbiased television channels and protecting pro military channels from getting shut down for promoting a pro military agenda of depicting politicians as corrupt and unreliable in the name of journalism, either by threatening local cable service providers or by threatening PEMRA, the legal body for monitoring electronic media in the country. The crisis between the people of Pakistan and the military trying to maintain its stranglehold on its people is still an ongoing dilemma.

Allegations of treachery Nawaz Sharif gave an interview to Dawn News on 12 May 2018 in which he said that non state actors from Pakistan were involved in the Mumbai terrorist attack in 2008. A spokesman for Sharif said that Indian media had twisted his statement to make it seem like Sharif said that the state of Pakistan endorsed and was directly involved in the attacks. A National Security Council meeting was called by the Pakistan Army which declared the allegations were based on lies and misconception without specifically naming Sharif. See also. Bibliography. Dixit, J.N. India-Pakistan in War and Peace.

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Ahmed, Akbar (2005). Jinnah, Pakistan, and Islamic Identitiy: A search for Saladin. Majumdar, edited by R. Pakistan: Jinnah to the present day (1st ed.). New Delhi: Anmol Publications.

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It was the South Koreans who immediately Trump’s impulsive “yes” answer at the very entrance to the West Wing, thus effectively locking the door behind the president before he understood the full implications of what he had done—and before he could be dissuaded by his staff and secretary of state. Love lies download.

ABC news Australia. 4 April 2016. From the original on 9 August 2016. 21 April 2016. From the original on 14 January 2017. New York Times.

14 April 2016. From the original on 18 April 2016.

PML-N Official. Archived from on 11 September 2016. PML-N Official. Archived from on 11 September 2016. PML-N Official. Archived from on 11 September 2016. PML-N Official.

Archived from on 11 September 2016. 30 October 2012. From the original on 4 January 2017.

Retrieved 4 January 2017. From the original on 4 January 2017.

Retrieved 4 January 2017. The Independent.

Retrieved 2018-06-11. Press, Associated (17 July 2009). The Guardian. From the original on 4 January 2017. Retrieved 4 January 2017. Dutt, Barkha (2017-07-30). Washington Post.

Retrieved 2018-06-11. Retrieved 2018-06-11. Retrieved 2018-06-11. Retrieved 2018-06-11. The Irish Times. Retrieved 2018-06-11. Daily News (2017-05-08), retrieved 2018-06-11.

Retrieved 2018-06-11. Hussain, Dawn.com Sanaullah Khan Javed (2018-05-14). Retrieved 2018-06-11. External links This article contains. Without proper, you may see unjoined letters running left to right or other symbols instead of. Wikimedia Commons has media related to.

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    . The Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) (: پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن)‬‎ abbr. PML-N) is a party in. The party was recently in power until the appointment of an Interim Government led by for the. It was led by the thrice-elected, until he was disqualified on the contempt of in 2017.

    The is generally, which involves supporting, opposing military power, supporting democratic ideals, and being generally anti-censorship on an online and wilderness platform. One of of the original, the seeds of party were sown following the when the organised the supporters of Dictatorship into a single party, known as. After in 1988, under the leadership of, a large faction split away from the, and formed a alliance with various and political parties, called the. The alliance formed a government in under the leadership of. In 1993, the alliance dissolved and the party assumed its current shape, branding itself as the 'Nawaz' faction of Pakistan Muslim League after its Leader in contrast to the ' ' faction. Since its foundation by General Zia ul Haq, PML-N along with the, dominated the.

    However, after the, the party was eclipsed by its own splinter faction, the - backed, for almost a decade. PML-N however regained popularity in, when it was elected as the principal opposition party. It returned to power following the, with elected as the Prime Minister for an unprecedented third term. The party's stronghold is the; where it has formed provincial government six times since 1985, thrice under Sharif's brother.

    Main articles:;;;;;;; and Upon the creation of and departure of the in 1947, the (AIML) became the, which was now led. After the of, the struggled to revive itself, eventually losing control of the in by the. Internal disagreement over party's direction, lack of political program, motivation for public reforms, and inadequate administrative preparations and mismanagement; all led to the public decline of the party. With the, the struggled for its survival while facing the and. The in 1958 eventually outlawed the in the country. The foundational stone and ground base of the PML(N) lies with the was founded in 1962, as an enriched conservative project derived from the defunct.

    The was presided by who actively participated in held in 1965 against. After 's death, the PML was presided by, a, who deepened its role in. On a and, the party engaged in against and, in held in. It managed to secure only two electoral seats in the and only ten in of. In spite of its limited, became the and of Pakistan— the only figure to have appointed as. The PML government was short-lived and soon its government fell as an aftermath of the. The PML(N) is ideologically close to the and holds common beliefs on.

    The list below shows the well-known breakaway factions and their relationships with the military, although many minor factions existed throughout the history: — Party conventions Year Relationship comparison and notes Founders PML(N) 1988 Pro-, , and pro- until. 1988 Pro-Junejo 2002 pro-, Pro-, 1973 Pro-2012 Pro- 2001 Pro-, pro-, 2008 Pro-, pro- 2010, Pro-, pro- 1995, Pro-, anti- Party conventions Year Relationship comparison and notes Current 1906 Devolved into, legal personality is presently continue and bestowed by the PML(N) No. 1962 Large part of the party led by the PML(N), other parts of the party are divided into smaller factions Yes 1965 Merged with PML(N) No 1967 Merged with PML(N) No 1970 Merged with PML(N) No Electoral history. Young League Worker The went into a political abyss after the death of and during the first government of the Prime Minister. It made a strong comeback in response to the of in the 1970s.

    Influential young activists, including, and, ascended as the leaders of the party and started their political career through the Muslim League. The party became an integral part of the nine-party alliance, against the and campaigned against the PPP in the.

    The party campaigned on a right-wing platform and raised conservative slogans in the 1977 general elections. The party, including Sharif and Hussain, were a conglomerate of diverse views and had provided large capital for Muslim League's financial expenses. It was at that time the party was revived and joined the anti-Bhutto PNA with, an influential Sindhi conservative figure, as its elected president. After the in 1977, the party reassessed itself; seeing the rise of powerful oligarch bloc, led by who was the main PML leaders. After the, President Zia-ul-Haq had become country's elected president.

    During the, a new PML(N) emerged on the country's political scene. The party had supported the presidency of and won his support to appoint to the office of Prime Minister. Had won the favour and support of President Zia-ul-Haq and approved his appointment as of the in 1985. 1988 general elections. Main articles: and Its modern history started in when the Pakistan Muslim League, led by former prime minister, split into two factions: one was led by and the then of, and the other by (who later founded ). In 1988, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) was founded and established by, an original, who became the party's founding president, whilst Nawaz Sharif became its first secretary-general. The party is not the original, but is accepted as a continuing legal successor of the.

    At the time of 1988 elections, the PML was part of the eight-party (IDA) which had contained the right-wing conservative mass as one entity against the left-wing circles, led by (PPP). The general elections in 1988 marked the emergence of the Pakistan Peoples Party's as the single largest party, with its election to 94 of 237 seats in the. The IDA occupied 55 seats, but an influential leader, chose to serve the of. With elevating as the, the IDA nominated as a compromise candidate in the state parliament. Within 20 months, tales of bad governance and corruption plagued the Pakistan Peoples Party's government. Finally, in 1990, charged the PPP government with corruption and lack of governance and dismissed the National Assembly and the first Bhutto government.

    1990 general elections. Main article: The PML(N) was still part of the (IDA) and participated, under the leadership of, in the. The IDA competed against the leftist alliance, known as People’s Democratic Alliance (PDA), which had contained the and the.

    The elections resulted in the victory of IDA, with becoming Prime Minister. Through IDA, the conservative forces under Sharif had a chance to form a national government for the first time in the of Pakistan. With Sharif taking office, his ascendancy also marked a transition in the political culture of Pakistan – a power shift from control by the traditional feudal aristocracy to the growing class of modern and moderate entrepreneurs. For the first time, Sharif launched the and policy measures, and Sharif's economics team actually implemented some of the serious economic liberalisation and privatisation measures previous governments had merely talked about.

    Election results also showed liberals, the, emerging as the third major party with 15 seats. For the first time in the history of the country, Sharif allowed foreign money exchange to be transacted through private money exchangers. While internationally acclaimed, his policies were condemned by the. Mounted pressure on President Ghulam Ishaq Khan, who dismissed the IDA government on 18 April 1993. The PML-N moved the and it restored its government and Sharif hold the office on 26 May. The and the military leadership negotiated with Nawaz Sharif to step down.

    Culminated at the resignation of Nawaz Sharif, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan was also removed from the Presidency. 1993 elections and opposition. Main article: The PML-N gained national prominence in the and occupied 73 seats in the state parliament. The PML(N) asserted its role as opposition to the Pakistan Peoples Party. The PML(N) Benazir Bhutto with corruption, stagnation, and endangering the national security. The also suffered with its internal faction, one of the faction led. The controversial murder of by and the pressure on MQM further weakened Benazir Bhutto.

    The PML(N) and Sharif himself were shocked when they learned the news of Benazir Bhutto's dismissal. An ironic aspect of this dismissal was that it was prompted by the then-President, a trusted lieutenant of Benazir, who sent her to the Presidency as a safeguard for the PPP’s government after the office was vacated by Ghulam Ishaq Khan. During that movement, Nawaz Sharif travelled through the length and breadth of Pakistan. He also embarked on a train march from Lahore to Peshawar as part of his campaign to oust Benazir. During this time, the party was among closest to the, and the, had close ties and influence in Pakistan Armed Forces' appointments and their military strategies.

    1997 elections and power politics. The first PML-N Prime Minister. The Pakistan Muslim League (N) struck its remarkable, biggest, and most notable achievement in, held on 3 February 1997. After securing the in the, the only political party to have gained a two-thirds majority since the independence of the country in 1947, roughly fifty years past independence. During this time, it was the largest conservative party, with its members occupying 137 seats out of 207, roughly 66.2%.

    In 1997, the party secured its win with an overwhelming mandate, and absolutely light and slight opposition. On 18 February 1997, when Nawaz Sharif obtained a vote of confidence, the Pakistan Muslim League assumed the government of Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif allowed Benazir Bhutto to hold the office of, though the PML(N) had the control of the state parliament. The PML(N) government passed the and the to the to stabilizee its mandate and strengthen its position.

    In 1998, the law and order situation came under the PML-N's control and economic recovery was also secured. A number of constitutional amendments were made to make the country a parliamentary democracy.

    In May 1998, the PML-N government led by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ordered six nuclear tests, in response to Indian nuclear tests. The tests were extremely popular and PML-N's image and prestige rose to a record level. However, in 1998, the PML-N government effectively dismissed general (see ) that ruined its public ratings, but marked a perception of the civilian control of the military. Its power politics and repeated dismissals of the military leadership soured its relations with and its public ratings gradually went down.

    Despite its heavy public mandate, serious disagreements appeared within the party. The took place to end PML-N's government. Controversially, in 1999, the party was significantly divided, further affecting Nawaz Sharif's trial in.

    No massive protests were held by the party; its leaders remained silent and remained supportive towards the military action against Nawaz Sharif. In 2001, the party was further divided by factionalism. Dissenters formed the, later called (or PML-Q), which became allies of then president.

    In 2001, Muslim League (Nawaz) formally adopted the name of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), also known as PML(N). 2002 general elections.

    Presided the party from 2001–05. As a result of the with, the PML(N) government had generated frustration within the party and a secret inside the party united on a one-point agenda with all the opposition parties in 1999 to remove Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from office. This resulted in a. The Supreme Court validated the coup and gave General Pervez Musharraf three years to hold general elections. After deposing Sharif's government, the party split into several groups and its size shrunk as many of its members decided to defect to the splinter political bloc. Many of its most influential members, sponsors, financiers, came to defect to the new group that was sympathetic to. This splinter group emerged as the, which registered itself as a political party with the name.

    Sharif was removed from the Party's presidency and the position was handed over to Dr., wife of Sharif. With Sharif exiled to, the party's presidency was handed over to and the party began to reassert itself in the coming elections. The party campaigned all over the country and competed in the for the state parliament. The election polls announced the victory of the and the liberals, with PML(Q) retaining the majority in the state parliament and brutally defeating the PML(N). A mass rally of PML(N) in Punjab in support of Nawaz Sharif. During, the PML-N performed poorly, only winning 9.4% of the popular vote and 14 out of 272 elected members, the worst defeat since its inception in 1988. Hashmi was removed from the party's presidency after his controversial remarks towards the.

    The depth measurement has been adapted to the different types of soil like loam, sand, stone and many other types of ground to give accurate measuring results. Okm visualizer 3d.

    In an indirect party election, was elected as the party's new president; and the party's leadership was now based in London. In 2006, the party signed the cooperative declaration with its rival to outline and promote a new democratic culture in the country. Known as the, the charter was signed by Nawaz Sharif and in London and announced their opposition to Musharraf and. In the, the party won urban votes and dominated the of.

    The party secured a total of 91 seats in the, just second to the, which won 121 seats, and the parties agreed on forming a coalition government. The PML(N) successfully called for of President and ousted Musharraf from the presidency and exiled him to United States in 2008.

    But the coalition could not run for too long when Nawaz Sharif announced to support and lead the to restore the famed in 2008. In 2011, the PML-N established its branch in to participate in Kashmir's general elections.

    2008 parliamentary election. The senior and integral party leadership meeting with US Secretary of State and in 2009 After returning to Pakistan, the PML (N) contested the 2008 general election, demanding a restoration of the judges sacked under the emergency rule placed by President and removal of Musharraf as President. After the assassination of, Sharif announced that the PML (N) would boycott the polls, but after some time and conversations with the co-chairman of the PPP, Nawaz announced that the party would contest in the polls and began to rally in the areas. On 18 February 2008, after the polls were closed and the results had been announced, the PML-N gained 68 seats in the National Assembly, just behind the PPP. They announced that they would have discussions on forming a coalition with the PPP which would have half the seats in the 342 seat Parliament. In a press conference on 19 February, Nawaz called for President Pervez Musharraf to step down. Nawaz and Zardari agreed on forming a coalition, and Nawaz announced that he and his party gave the PPP the right to choose the next Prime Minister.

    The PML-N is the largest conservative opposition party (darker green in right) in the. On 13 May 2008, the PML (N) ministers resigned from the government due to a disagreement related to the reinstatement of the judges. Nawaz said that the PML (N) would support the government without participating in it. Zardari, hoping to preserve the coalition, told Prime Minister to reject the resignations. The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the (PPP) on 27 June 2008, won three and two by-election seats, respectively, to the national parliament. Polls were postponed for the sixth seat in due to 's eligibility contest.

    A court ruled he was ineligible due to an old conviction, amid a government appeal in the Supreme Court, which will hear the case on 30 June, thus postponing the vote in the constituency. The two parties also won 19 of 23 provincial assembly seats where by-elections were held. The results will not affect the 18 February general election results in which 's PPP won 123 seats in the 342-seat National Assembly and Sharif's party came second with 91, while 's party came a poor third with 54 seats. Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) won eight provincial assembly seats, while the PPP won seven provincial seats. On 25 August 2008, announced that would be Pakistan Muslim League (N) nominee to replace as. 2013 general elections During its election campaign for the, the party compete against its arch-rival and another right-wing party,. In an unofficial counting, the party has secured the in the, the and; it is yet the only party to have secured respectable seats and representation on provisional assemblies of and The leader of PMLN, became for the third time Prime Minister of for the first time in the history of the country.

    Electoral history and performance of Pakistan Muslim League since 1985 General elections Voting percentile% Voting turnout Seating graph Presiding chair of the party position 46.4% –. In Opposition Structural composition Party leadership Officiate/Party office Party bearer Yaqub Khan Raja Muhammad Rizwan (Vice President Gujrat) Saleem Zia Salah-ud-din Tirmizi ( retd.) Secretary Finance Information Secretary Deputy Secretary Information Joint Secretary Abdul Sattar Mandokhel Central Working Committee (Notable activists) Executive Members Azad Ali Tabassum Ex-officios The General Council Meeting (or Central Working Committee) served its major platform to elect presidents and secretaries while it is also responsible for promoting PML-N activities.

    The GCM's meetings are generally held in in. Nawaz Sharif was elected the in 2011. The General Council Meeting raises funds, and coordinates campaign strategy while there are local committees every and most large cities, counties and legislative districts, but they have far less money and influence than the national body. The Central Secretariat and the Parliament Lodges of play important roles in recruiting strong state candidates. Nawaz sharif is accused of corruption and involved in smuggling heavy amount of money outside the country and recently has been nominated by to be involved in hiding the black money in offshore accounts and companies. Ideology and political positions.

    In 1997, the PML(N) built the largest and notable, known as. Pakistan Muslim League (N) includes the, and most importantly, the and. During its years, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) emphasised the role of and individual achievement as the primary factors behind economic prosperity, deregulation of all segments of economic order, and strong base of capitalism. In 1991, the PML-N's government established the followed by inaugurating the in 1997. The Pakistan Muslim League-N generally opposed the labour union managements and large scale worker's union.

    The Party believes in that 'prosperous agriculture is the backbone of national prosperity and diversification of the rural economy by expanding non-farm rural employment is critical for the alleviation of poverty'. During its federal government, the PML-N successfully privatised the major heavy industries under its Planned industrial development programme. Environmental policies. A national reserve park in, established by PML(N). In 1997, the was established by PML-N's government and its was one of the most notable ministry to protect the national conservation and forestry in the country.

    In 1997, the environmental were regularly announced paid by the government to enhance and promote the environmental awareness in public. However, its environmental policies remained a subject of on-going controversies, often criticise for ignoring the health and environmental policies despite its party declaration.

    The PML-N's in came under intense media, opposition, and public anger after failing to counter the due to its lack of apathy and inadequate steps and seriousness to enforce environmental awareness and regulations. In recent, the prestige of PML-N's also suffered after the government's and failed to properly scanned the quality of medicines, resulting in major counterfeit and environmental crises that put party's environmental and health policies in great doubts. Science and politics The Pakistan Muslim League (N) credited for ordering and authorizing the country's first nuclear tests (see and ) amid immense international pressure. It is also responsible for establishing the as part of its science and technology strategy.

    With its inverse force, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) is also responsible for enhancing the, and the expansion, first establishing the, expansion as part of its nuclear policy. Foreign policy issues. Main article: The party has been long advocated for broader and stronger with, and, and. In 1999, the party's government successfully signed the with India.

    The Pakistan Muslim League-N remains sceptical about, although it is firmly opposed to religious extremism and terrorism in all its manifestations. While it remains a strong supporter of the United States' financial and fiscal policies, but on the other hand, it remains undecided about the military operations on its western fronts to curb down militancy, with many PML-N's intellectuals regarding the War on terror as a campaign against Islam. During its previous tenure from 1997 to 1999, the PML(N) government took a series of measures to control terrorist groups by establishing the.

    The PML-N's leadership remains an avid supporter of, and numerous times, it had made it clear that the party will 'never compromise this long standing position on Kashmir dispute'. Party presidency List of Order Image Presidents Year Rationale 1 1993–1999 First term 2 1999–2001 First term 3 2001-2005 First term 4 2005–2009 First term 5 2009–2010 First term (3) 2010-2011 Second term (1) 2011–2017 Second term (5) 2017 First term (1) 2017–2018 Third term (5) 2018–present Second term Controversy Since its inception, the party has been involved in major controversies some of which are listed below Rise to power with help from military establishment PML-N's head Nawaz Sharif rise to power is attributed to funding and backing from and military establishment.

    Ex DG ISI Hameed Gul accepted that he formed in order to counter the power of. Operation Clean-up. Main article: Nawaz Sharif during his tenure as prime minister (1990-1992), launched a against his own allies in government, MQM for allegations against. Later the ISPR denied any knowledge of jinnahpur conspiracy and maps, which were highly publicized in the media prior to operation launch.

    Thousands of MQM activists were killed, its leadership arrested and its head had move to exile in UK. Operation 1998 As prime minister, Nawaz Sharif again launched operation against MQM who were again in alliance in Sharif's government on accusation of assassinating. Due to MQM's militant activities and sectarian killings in Karachi, Nawaz Sharif was forced to end the alliance with MQM for the benefit of the nation.

    An elected PMLN Sindh government in alliance with MQM was dismissed and governor rule was imposed. The operation started new blood shed era in and many party leaders of MQM were arrested. (MQM second in command at that time) was forced to flee Pakistan and took political asylum in the UK. Fasih Jugu who was accused in assassination was tortured to death by the Law enforcement. The operation resulted is a major unrest in the city as the PMLN government tried to get a hold of the criminal elements ravaging the city of Karachi.


    This was one of the prime excuses the military conjured up for illegally ousting Nawaz Sharif's government in 1999 through martial law. Plane hijacking In 1999, Nawaz Sharif was allegedly involved in hijacking plane of chief of army staff Pervez Musharraf when he was to land at Karachi airport and the control tower ordered the plane not to land in Pakistan but India instead.

    However, Musharraf and his loyalists had been planning a coup for months and some versions of the story claim that Musharraf orchestrated the coup from the plane and the military didn't allow the plane to land until Musharraf was assured that the military was in control of the airport. The Military forced the courts to convict Sharif and sentence him to life imprisonment in 2000. General Musharraf had initially decided to hang Nawaz Sharif but under the pressure of the President of United States, Bill Clinton and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, he decided not to go through with it. In 2010 The Supreme court of Pakistan overturned his conviction making him eligible to run for power again. Allegations of corruption PMLN has been accused of corruption in revolutionary economic schemes like yellow cab scheme, The National Debt Retirement Programme (NDRP), sasti roti scheme, nandipur project. The charges turned out to be nothing more than accusations by rival political parties to mislead the public. More recently, an international newspaper published naming Sharif's sons as among people who created offshore companies.

    Nawaz Sharif is accused of using corruption money to grow his assets in his business ventures and though nothing presented in the court so far substantiates these charges. Panama papers case and its implications.

    This section does not any. Unsourced material may be challenged and. (February 2018) Nawaz Sharif and some of his family members were cited for money laundry and graft charges on 10 July 2017 by a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) formed by the Supreme Court which included Military Intelligence officers. The JIT and Supreme court in league with the military have been found to be biased against Nawaz Sharif, his family and his party, PMLN, as the party is currently fighting for democratic supremacy. The Judicial - Military Complex hence set its task to punish Nawaz Sharif for it by any means necessary. The JIT presented circumstantial and sometimes downright incorrect and unverified evidence against the Sharif family which was accepted without questioning. A subsequent ruling by the Supreme Court of Pakistan announced on 28 July 2017 disqualified party leader and then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from holding public office for life on a mere technicality unrelated to the charges in question.

    This verdict was widely seen by the people of Pakistan as a desecration of their right to choose their leaders. Nawaz Sharif and his party then redoubled their efforts for democratic supremacy against the Military Junta. People have rallied behind Nawaz Sharif's ideology as he educates people that their right is not only to vote but they have a right to defend that vote and they should question anyone who prevents them from doing so. It has resulted in people openly criticizing military's interference in civilian affairs and heavily tilted the public opinion against the military. As a reaction, military has resorted to violence as it has in the past, physically assaulting unbiased journalists and harassing others to prevent heavy anti Military public opinion from getting publicity. They also resorted to illegally shutting down unbiased television channels and protecting pro military channels from getting shut down for promoting a pro military agenda of depicting politicians as corrupt and unreliable in the name of journalism, either by threatening local cable service providers or by threatening PEMRA, the legal body for monitoring electronic media in the country. The crisis between the people of Pakistan and the military trying to maintain its stranglehold on its people is still an ongoing dilemma.

    Allegations of treachery Nawaz Sharif gave an interview to Dawn News on 12 May 2018 in which he said that non state actors from Pakistan were involved in the Mumbai terrorist attack in 2008. A spokesman for Sharif said that Indian media had twisted his statement to make it seem like Sharif said that the state of Pakistan endorsed and was directly involved in the attacks. A National Security Council meeting was called by the Pakistan Army which declared the allegations were based on lies and misconception without specifically naming Sharif. See also. Bibliography. Dixit, J.N. India-Pakistan in War and Peace.

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